Chapter 23...

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You would have thought that, since Luke and Isobelle just got engaged, once they arrived back at their hotel room they wouldn't be able to control themselves and throw themselves passionately at each other only to proceed to have absolutely mind-blowing sex. But they didn’t. In fact, they barely even kissed. The two teens sat down cross-legged on their bed intertwining their fingers and talked. They just talked, about everything.

"How did you manage to put that off?" Isobelle asked her newly pronounced fiancé.

"What do you mean baby?" Luke said stroking the back of her hand with his thumb.

Isobelle paused to think about how to word her question. "How did you manage to organise this all on your own without anyone guessing?"

"I didn't. Jai knew. He's going to be my best man so he had to help me choose your ring. I'm surprised you didn’t pick up on me being nervous…" he gave a nervous laugh.

"I did think that you were acting a bit different. I asked Jai about it this morning, he told me that you were just a little homesick and still in awe of our birthday present to you. I can't believe I believed him…" Isobelle finished with a laugh.

Luke raised his eyebrows. "Really? He covered for me that long?"

"What do you mean that long?"

"I told him when we were at the airport back in Melbourne. I'm surprised he managed to keep it secret that long…" Luke said drifting off into his own thoughts.

Isobelle was silent for a minute, taking it all in. "you mean to tell me that you knew you were going to propose to me here before we even got anywhere near landing?"

"Yes. I knew when and how I was going to ask you that first day I met you." He blushed and started to move his lip ring with his tongue, like he always did when he was nervous.

Nothing was said for a while, the soon to be husband and wife just gazed into each other's eyes adoringly. After what seemed like forever, Isobelle spoke up "how am I going to tell my parents?"

Luke smiled, earning a confused look from Isobelle. "Don’t worry about that Izzy. They already know."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean exactly that, they already know. I asked them for their permission to take your hand in marriage." He replied as if it was the most obvious answer in the world.

Isobelle was completely taken aback. "You mean my parents already agreed?"

"Yeah, I wouldn’t have proposed if I hadn't got their blessing. I asked Kate just before we left and I asked your dad when we were at his." Luke said playing with his lip ring again.

Isobelle was speechless. She had always dreamed of her perfect man doing exactly that; insisting that everything was done perfectly and in the right order before having the most beautiful wedding in the history of man-kind, made perfectly for her. Luke was her perfect man. Isobelle's eyes began to well up again, and despite her best efforts, she could not stop a few tears escaping the circumference of her eyes.

"I love you Luke."

"I love you more Izzy."

Over in Jai and Dakota's room, Dakota wasn’t talking. "Baby, what's up?" Jai asked concerned.

Dakota didn’t reply.

"Kota. Talk to me." He persisted.


"Please baby, its killing me."

Dakota fell silent again. "It will just make you hate me…"

Jai lifted his hand and brushed her hair away from her eyes. "Kota, tell me. I won't hate you, I promise."

She let out a sigh as she gave in to his puppy-dog gaze. "It's about Luke and Isobelle." She said.

Jai stayed silent waiting for his girlfriend to continue.

"They’ve been together for six months and they're engaged. How can that be happening?"

"What do you mean baby?" Jai asked gently.

"I mean, how can they be so sure that its right and that nothing will go wrong and it will all be perfect?!"

Jai could see that this wasn’t really what was bothering her. "Tell me the real problem Dakota."

Dakota began to cry. "It was supposed to be me; I was supposed to marry YOU first! Me and Isobelle talked about it, we had it all planned! I know now that you will never ask me, it will never happen. We will just stay like this for years and years until you finally decide it's time to ask me and by then I will be about 30. How is this ever going to happen Jai? How?!"

Jai was so taken aback by her out-burst; to begin with he didn’t know what to say. He just took Dakota into his arms and calmed her crying until he had the breath to answer her. "Dakota, I love you forever. To infinity and beyond. That’s not going to change; I'm going to make our wedding perfect. Just for us…" he looked into her eyes and continued. "The fact that we haven't been together long has nothing to do with anything. I want our engagement to be perfect for us like it was perfect for Luke and Isobelle and now wasn’t the time. I'm not going to let you get hurt by this, this is there day, but ours will be just that; ours."

By this time, Dakota was crying again. "I'm so sorry; I don’t know what came over me. I guess I was a little jealous of Izzy, I just love you so much Jai.  I couldn’t bear the thought of us breaking up…"

"Kota, baby, Shh… its okay, I know you're worried but I promise, I will never let that happen. I love you Kota."

Dakota looked at Jai, took his face in her hands and kissed him. "I'm sorry." She whispered under Jai's kiss. He smiled. Dakota, having realised how much Jai truly loved her, slowly caressed his bottom lip with her tongue asking permission which he gladly gave. Their tongues touched fighting for dominance. Jai moved his hands to Dakota's waist and lifted her up leaving her to wrap her legs around him. He stepped backwards so his legs hit the bed. She leaned against him causing him to fall backwards. Still attached to the others lips, they crawled back so their heads were on their pillows. They stayed that way for a few minutes until Jai detached himself from his girlfriend and moved over to the bathroom where he went into the cabinet and took out a condom. He came back into the bedroom and held it up for Dakota to see, asking her approval. She smiled, shuffled over to him and pulled him back onto the bed. Jai raised his eyebrows at her eagerness but gladly gave in. They took each other in their arms and laid back, relaxing into the welcoming touch of the bed…

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