Chapter 26...

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That morning they were due to get their flight home, so, once they had all got over the original shock of the headlines they migrated into their separate rooms again and proceeded to pack up all their belongings.

During the time that they were packing they realised that they had bought way too much stuff and they didn’t have a hope in hell of getting it all into the ten suitcases they bought with them. Not only did they buy various different souvenirs from the places they had visited, they also somehow managed to buy themselves a whole new wardrobe. Each.

They hardly had enough room for the things they brought with them in the first place so they didn’t know what to do with it all. Finally, as a last resort Isobelle rang her father and asked him to bring over three more cases in order to transport their extensive luggage collection back to Melbourne. Luckily they all had enough money to pay for the excess baggage allowance so it wouldn’t be an issue once they got to the airport.

When Isobelle's dad arrived with the suitcases they all greeted him much more enthusiastically than they had the first time with Luke being the biggest improver. The first thing Lee asked Isobelle was to see her ring, and when he saw it on her finger he smiled and looked over at Luke. "So, how long until you officially become my son-in-law then?"

"Soon, really soon." Luke smiled back at him.

Lee then turned to his daughter and said, "Who will be walking you down the aisle then?"

"You will." she replied, taking her father in an embrace that held a lot of unspoken feelings.

Once they broke away from each other and everyone had finished talking, Lee left, and James and Beau took all the cases into the hallway where they began to finally sort out their packing. They all managed to get everything to fit with a little pushing and shoving and all within the weight limit.

After they had finished packing and getting ready for the 25 hour flight back home they dragged their bags down to the lift only to find that it was out of order and they had to walk all the way down the 14 flights of stairs with their 13 cases. Here is where their problem solving skills were put to the test.

After some confusion and despair from different people, they managed to get a kind of human conveyer belt going, which spanned down two flights. They had the boys spread out over the stairs and Dakota and Isobelle at the top and bottom passing each case down one by one. It really must have been quite a spectacle. Unfortunately this conveyer belt of sorts took approximately 30 minutes to manoeuvre its way to the foyer which then meant they had just under an hour to sign out, get taxis to the airport that would be able to take all their bags and get to the check in desk at the airport. All this without getting noticed by any paparazzi or fans.

As if by some miracle, they managed to make it to the airport early, without any unwanted encounters, and with plenty of time to spend in the duty free.

Finally, after what seemed like forever, their flight was called and they happily boarded the jet getting lucky enough to bag seven seats all together, which allowed the girls to sit together but also with their boyfriends and meant that the boys didn’t have to shout down the plane to get the attention of the others like they did on the arriving journey. To begin with, they were all chattering away about their fantastic time in England and about all the things that they couldn’t wait to have back again when they arrived home. Among these things were Lala and Buddy the dogs, their gym, laptops, mums cooking, and their own beds.

About five hours into the journey their lack of sleep began to hit them and they all slowly fell into dreams of their trip and dreams of what they were coming back to…

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