Chapter 34...

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Standing with Dakota across the room from his brother and new sister-in-law was Jai.

For the past twenty minutes he and Dakota had been watching them move hand in hand around the room greeting and accepting congratulations from the various different guests that had turned up for the after party.

"They look so perfect." Dakota said.

"Yeah, they do." Jai agreed looking her in the eyes.

"Their vows were so beautiful, I can see why it took them so long to writ them now." Dakota laughed.

"I know, Luke spent two days pretty much non-stop on those words."

Jai and Dakota had managed to find a spot in the room that was concealed from the rest of the room that gave them the perfect getaway place from the madness of the wedding. It had been almost three days since Jai and Dakota had been alone together and the sexual tension between them was almost visible in the air around them.

"You look unbelievably beautiful in that dress Kota." Jai told her looking in her eyes.

Dakota blushed a little. "Thank you. And I would say that you look good in your tux but to be honest babe, all I've been doing is imagining you without it. It’s a lot better image actually."

Jai laughed. "There's plenty of time for that later beautiful." He winked.

"I know, I'm just having Jai related withdrawal symptoms." She responded.

"I know what will cure them."


"This." Jai whispered as he brought his lips to hers in a gentle and longing kiss. Dakota smiled under his touch and reached up and pushed her fingers through his perfectly styled hair, mussing it up a little.

As they broke the kiss Dakota smiled and said, "Nope I can't do that, it makes it worse."

Again Jai laughed.

For a few minutes they stood in silence watching the bride and groom weave their way through tables and people hands intertwined.

"That's gonna be us one day."

Dakota looked up at her boyfriend. "You mean that?"

"Yep. With all my heart." Jai responded with certainty.

"Are you sure?"

"Totally sure. We're gonna get a house together and get married and have kids and live happy ever after."


"Yes really!" Jai was laughing at Dakotas's inability to believe that he planned to be with her forever.

How is it going to work then, what's our house gonna be like?" she asked him, trying to catch him out.

"However you want it." Jai smiled.

"Mmm… sounds good." She gave him a little wink. "What about the wedding then?"

"we'll get married on a beach in the summer when it's hot and we'll have only a few close friends and family there for the ceremony and then we'll have the after party to end all after parties. We'll have a chocolate fountain and marshmallows and strawberries with a massive cake for the food. And we'll have a DJ for the night and everyone will be dancing around like the idiots that everyone gets like at weddings. Then for the honeymoon, we'll take a rocket to the moon and have a picnic with the ailens. Or we could just go to some romantic place with a nice hotel. Or something like that…" Jai finished with a little shrug of his shoulders.

Dakota was stood there smiling like an idiot. You really think that?"

"I do." Announced Jai.

The two of them were shut up for a while as they were very engaged in a make-out session.

"Okay so, that’s the house, wedding, and after party sorted," Dakota said. "Now what about our kids?"

"We'll have two. A boy and a girl. The boys will be the oldest so that he can look after his little sister. He will have blue eyes like you and dark curly hair like me. Our daughter will have long blond curly hair and brown green eyes like me. She'll have your smile..." He said smiling at Dakota.

"What are their names?" She asked.

Jai thought for a second then his face lit up. "Our son will be called Taylor Brooks and our daughter will be called Lilia Brooks."

Dakota's hand flew to her mouth. "Those are my favourite names!"

"I know, that's why those are the names we'll call them." Jai told her, his eyes completely saturated with love.

"I love you Jai. With all my heart."

"I love you more."

"Lies." Dakota said.

"Nope. Truth. The only other girl I will ever love will be our daughter Lilia."

Dakota took his hand. "Jai how did I manage to bag you?"

"I should be asking you that question." He replied. 

"How are you so perfect?"

"Because I have you."

With that Dakota let a tear escape her eye and rested her head against Jai's chest to watch two of her best friends take their first dance and dream of the future..

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