Chapter 9...

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That night instead of Isobelle going over to the Brooks' house, everyone came over to hers. Her mum and brother were out visiting friends so they had free reign of the house. All the boys came over straight after school and Beau arrived later with a Pizza he picked up on the way.

"I'll go get some soda" Jai said "you better leave me some pizza"

Isobelle laughed and said "I'll make sure they don’t eat it all."

 After the pizza was gone and all the soda had been drunk, everyone piled into Isobelle's room and found a place to sit down. Beau in the armchair by the window, James on the beanbag that he had dragged in from the lounge, Isobelle and Luke on the bed with jai sat next to them hugging a cushion and Skip sprawled on the floor in a star shape.

"What the fuck are you doing?" beau asked skip

"Getting comfortable." He replied as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

"Why can't you just be a normal human Skip?" James asked. Skip just rolled his eyes and began to sing the Lahme song like he did every time he got bored.

Isobelle's room was the biggest in the house so had plenty of room for everyone to squish in. it had white walls which Isobelle had completely covered in posters and magazines clippings and a huge four-poster bed in the middle. She had a walk-in-wardrobe filled with some many clothes, shoes and accessories that she didn’t know what to do with them all. It was a proper teenager's room.

"Have you guys posted the new video yet?" Isobelle asked

"No, not yet, Luke hasn’t finished editing it…" Jai said winking at his brother as Luke gave him the middle finger.

Isobelle smiled as she walked over to her stereo system and turned on the local radio station. "The group of teenage boys have been causing havoc in their neighbourhood all in order to gain more views at whatever cost necessary…" the presenter said.

"Wait, wait!" James shouted "are they talking about us?"

"I don’t know but it sure as hell sounds like it. Turn it up Izzy." Skip said breaking his beautiful rendition of the Lahme song. She did as she was told and they sat and listened to the clip until the presenter said "our sources say that Luke Brooks of the Janoskians has recently been spotted with a new girl. Could he have found his sweetheart?" Luke and Isobelle froze.

"What're they talking about then Luke?" James said drowning out the rest of the radio segment.

"Umm…" he said with an awkward glance towards Isobelle."We may as well tell them, they're going to find out anyway."

"Tell us what?" skip asked vaguely.

"Me and Isobelle are dating" Luke said bluntly.

"Wait what? Since when?"

"Almost a month now." Isobelle replied shyly

"So that means that… no that’s not right, the day you started at Penola?" James asked, mentally doing the math.

Isobelle blushed and said "yes, the day I started."

"So you've kept this vital piece of information from us for that long?!" Skip stated surprised. "Hang on, what do you know about this?" he asked seeing the bored looks on Beau and Jai's faces.

"We knew the first day." Jai said awkwardly.

"And you didn’t tell us?" James teased.

"Wasn’t our place to say anything" Beau said, saving Jai from digging himself a hole.

There was silence in the room for a second and then Luke said "I love her." And took Isobelle's hand in his. 'At lest we don't have to hide it anymore' Isobelle thought as she squeezed Luke's hand.

"Wow. I honestly didn’t know." James said at Luke's proclamation. Isobelle and Luke just smiled at each other.

Just as the atmosphere in the room began to get a little bit over saturated with love, Isobelles phone beeped to tell her she had a message. *me and Dylan are staying over here tonight so we won't back until tomorrow evening. Be good. Mum x* Isobelle read.

"Right guys, sleepover here tonight. Mum and Dylan are out until tomorrow night. Free house." She smiled at everyone.

"I can't, I have to leave soon anyway." Skip said.

"Well I'm not coming if you're not" James agreed.

"I have work in the morning really early. Sorry Izzy." Beau said apologetically.

With just Jai and Luke to make their decision, Luke spoke first, "I'm good to stay."

"Well I guess I best leave the two lovebirds to themselves tonight" Jai said winking at the boys.

No that all that was sorted they settled down to watch a movie before everyone had to leave and Isobelle relaxed in the thought of a whole night just her and Luke…

Love Struck - Luke Brooks FanfictionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora