Chapter 4...

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At lunch the four boys and Isobelle met up and decided that as they had a free period they would leave school early and go over to Luke and Jai's for a while and then go out and cause havoc in the neighbourhood afterwards. While they were walking to the twins house Luke pulled Isobelle back to walk behind the others with him. "So, how was your first day at Penola then?" he asked.

"Not as bad as I thought it would be" she smiled back at him.

"And why is that then?"

"I had good lessons, and I met the most amazing group of guys ever" she said winking at him.

"Well, what can I say?" he said as if he was receiving an award. Isobelle smiled at his lame attempt to be funny.

"Luke, do you have a girlfriend? You never said." Isobelle said out of the blue. Her sudden change of subject made Luke nervous. Thousands of thoughts went through his mind in the space of a few seconds while he debated with himself how to answer, 'what do I say? Do I lie and play hard to get or do I just open myself up for the slaughter? What if she likes me too and I say I'm taken then she backs off? But if she doesn’t then it won't matter…'

"No, I'm single" he said with a smile, "What about you?"

"Me too" Isobelle replied immediately. "I kinda miss it though…"

"Miss what?"

"The feeling of being in a relationship. Those good morning texts, those perfect moment kisses, I even miss the fights…" she trailed off.

"Yeah, I miss it too." Luke replied hoping that she was hinting towards something big.

 "Oh well, I'm sure we'll find someone who is just perfect for us and we won't need to miss it anymore." Isobelle said with a saddened laugh.

"We will, I know we will." Luke reassured her. She was walking with her head facing down towards the ground. Luke could see that she had managed to get herself all upset, so he stood in front of her and stopped her walking. She lifted her head giving him a questioning look when Luke held up his pinky finger and said "I promise you, you will find the perfect person. And I promise that they will make you happy" she smiled at him and took his pinky in hers and sealed the promise with "and I promise that you will find the perfect person and they will make you the happiest guy on the planet." They both smiled and wished that the other felt the same way that they did. 'I love you Isobelle' Luke thought gazing intently at her as they turned the final corner to his house where the boys were waiting. 'I love you Luke' Isobelle thought as she saw him walk up the pathway to his house where Skip, James and Jai were waiting as Jai seemed to have forgotten his key. 

"Hurry up dude! What were you doing back there? Making out?" Skip laughed as Luke put his key in the lock. He rolled his eyes at skip but under his breath he said "I wish…"

As Isobelle walked into the Brooks' household she could tell that it was defiantly a boys home. There were shoes and hoodies and penny boards and backpacks everywhere. She kicked off her shoes and followed the guys into the lounge where they were all flopped out on the couch leaving no room for her to sit down. "I'll sit on the floor then shall I?" she joked, raising a perfectly trimmed eyebrow at them.

"Yeah, yet the lady sit down." Said a voice that she didn’t recognise as any of the boys she had already met. Isobelle turned around and saw an older, more sculpted version of Luke and Jai who she could only assume was their older brother Luke had told her about. "Hey, I'm Beau; Luke and Jai's older brother." He greeted her.

"Hi, I'm Isobelle or Izzy. Either." She smiled.

"So which one of these do you date then beautiful?" Beau asked.

"None of them" she laughed adding a silent 'yet' on in her head.

"Oh, so, no offence or anything, but how come you haven't been over before then?

"She just moved here from London in England" James interrupted.

"Oh cool." Beau said "Why have you sluts not moved over yet?!" he said jokingly insulting the boys on the couch. "Izzy still hasn’t got a seat" he laughed.

"If we move over anymore we will be sitting on each other." Jai announced as if he was solving some great mystery.

"Don’t worry we won't have to move she can just sit on someone's lap" Skip suggested. The thought of Isobelle having to sit on top of somebody other than him made Luke jealous. "Go on then, pick your seat" Skip said to Isobelle as she began moving towards the boy ridden couch. Isobelle glided over to Luke and sat down on his outstretched legs leaning back on his perfectly shaped body.

"Ooh! Why d'ya pick Luke then Izzy?" Beau teased.

"I trust him more than the rest of them, not to do anything" she teased back making everyone laugh at the truth of the statement.

Luke could feel Isobelle's warm body against his and he could barely contain himself enough to stop from turning her over and kissing her in front of everybody. He could feel her heart beat against his chest. It was killing him not being able to touch her. Just then Isobelle's hand came down from lying on her stomach and grabbed hold of Luke's hand. He took her hand in his and gave it a gentle squeeze. They could feel the increase in each other's heart rate, and, in that shared moment, they knew that they both felt the same way and it was just between them…

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