Chapter 7...

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Later on when everyone had gone home, the Brooks brothers were sitting in their lounge when beau said to Luke "What's happening with you and Isobelle then?" this question took Luke by surprise and for a second he didn’t know what his brother was talking about, then it clicked.

"What the fuck have you said Jai?"

"WHAT?! I haven't said anything!!"

"I TOLD you not to say anything, and what do you do? The complete fucking opposite!" Luke shouted back at Jai.

"I didn’t say shit Luke." Jai said so angry that he couldn’t even shout.

"Luke, he didn’t say anything. I saw you two together and figured out that there must be something going on, I asked Jai but he covered for you. James and Skip are idiots though and believed his cover." Beau finished with a smirk.

Luke was silent for a second then said "Sorry Jai"


"What do you want to know? I'm pretty sure you've already figured it all out so…" Luke trailed off.

"How long have you known her Luke?" Beau said taking on the father figure approach.

"12 hours." Luke replied with certainty.

"And you're already dating?" beau said raising an eyebrow at him.

"Yes. Is that a problem?"

"No, just you barely know the chick. You've fallen for her looks not HER."

"No beau, I haven't. And you know why? Because I feel like I've known her forever, there was not one moment today where I doubted what I felt."

"Are you sure about this Luke, this isn't the smartest thing you’ve ever done…" Beau said trying to broach the subject gently.

"I'm sure."

"Fine but don’t come running to me if this doesn’t last." Beau finished dismissively.

Throughout this exchange of words Jai remained very quiet, thinking. He thought about what he would do in Luke's position, how he would react to Beau's interrogation. He thought about what would have happened if he had been the one showing Isobelle round, how the day would have worked out, even what might have happened in the future if he had seen her first. He was so deep in thought that he didn’t notice a tear fall from his eye…

"Jai? Jai? What's up?" his twin asked concerned.

Jai didn’t know how to reply so just sat there, tears falling quicker now.

"Jai, talk to me"

"I can't deal with this Luke."

"With what?"

"You and Isobelle" he admitted letting a small whimper escape his lips.

"I don’t know what to say…" Luke said guiltily.

"I can't believe you got to her so quick."

"I'm sorry Jai; I'll try to keep it on the down low when I'm with you. Please stop crying. I never know what to do when you do that…" Luke admitted making Jai smile slightly.

"How can one girl cause this much shit in one day?" Beau asked completely confused by the whole thing.

The twins just looked at each other and said in unison "it's not just a girl, its Isobelle…"

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