Chapter 29...

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Isobelle was right. The next day she woke up, got out of bed and got ready for the day before anybody else was even awake. She wanted to have the house to herself as she was getting ready because she wanted to be able to think things over and clear her head without any of the others fussing over her. She managed to detangle herself from Luke's arms and leave the room without waking neither him nor Jai and move through to the bathroom to shower without waking Gina or Beau either.

Once Isobelle was in the shower she got to thinking about everything that had happened. She thought about their time in London and she thought about when they came out of the airport and she thought about the times over the past three weeks that she had caused trouble for Jai, Beau, James, Daniel, Dakota, Gina and most of all Luke. She couldn’t even imagine what he had been going through, worrying about her and trying his best not to let the hate get to him at the same time, trying to stay strong. And for what? For her. The more Isobelle thought about it, the more she began to realise how stupid she was being. She had amazing family, friends and a fiancé that couldn’t love her anymore if he tried and she was getting put down by hate from people that she didn’t even know. All she could think about was how she didn’t deserve someone as perfect as Luke; he shouldn’t have to deal with all the shit that she puts him through on a daily basis. All the tears and the fights and the insecurities, he shouldn’t have to deal with that. She spent most of the 30 minutes that the water was running over her bare skin convincing herself that everything she had been crying over for the last three weeks had been a waste of time and she refused to let it get to her again. She and Luke were happy and that was all that mattered. If the 'fans' wanted to leave the fanbase all because one of the boys had found someone he wanted to spend the rest of their life with, then they clearly weren't true fans in the first place, and their loss was the Janoskians' gain.

By the time she had got out of the shower and pulled on her old sweat-pants and a baggy vest she felt completely cleansed. Inside and out. She wasn’t worried about anything anyone had to say and she felt calm for the first time since the night Luke had proposed.

Given that she felt all new and energised and she was still the only one awake, she decided to make Luke breakfast in bed to wake him up with a smile on his face. So, scraping her hair back into a messy bun, she found the frying pan, placed it on the hob and laid three rashers of bacon in it. While she was waiting for the bacon, she buttered some bread and poured him some milk. Once she had fried the bacon she put it on the bread, picked up the plate and glass of milk, and took it in to Luke.

Placing his breakfast on the bedside table, she clambered up to sit beside him on the bed and leant down to kiss his cheek waking him gently.

"Isobelle, what are you doing up? And what smells so good?" Luke asked slightly groggy from his lack of sleep over the last few days.

Isobelle smiled. "I'm up because I need to be, and that smell is your breakfast in bed baby."

"I do not deserve you." Luke said through a mouthful of bacon sandwich.

"If either of us doesn’t deserve the other it's me." She replied with a raised eyebrow.

Luke didn’t even bother to argue the point as he just didn’t have the energy to think of any good comebacks this early in the morning. "What time is it beautiful?"

"Nearly ten past nine."

Luke's eyebrows jerked up a little. "Really? I guess I better get up then."

"Don’t worry about it baby, you can stay in bed as long as you like. I think I'm out with our mums and Dakota today." Isobelle replied smiling.

"I know, I would stay in bed but the boys are taking me somewhere…" Luke half groaned.

"Oh, I didn’t know that, good thing I woke you up then."

"Oi, where's my breakfast in bed then?" said a voice from the other side of the room.

Isobelle turned, laughing. "Jai, you can have breakfast in bed when Kota makes it for you. Just because I'm marring your twin does not mean I will make you breakfast in bed too."

"Eugh… Kota never makes me food."

"That’s because she's never over here to make it!" Luke laughed in reply to his brother's pathetic complaint.

"Meh, true." Jai said as he half fell out of his bed and tripped to the bathroom to get ready and then wake Beau.

"Right. I better go get ready too." Luke said leaning up to kiss Isobelle in the nape of her neck where he knew it drove her crazy.

"Mmm, hmmm." She replied leaning into his kiss.

Luke chuckled as he too, got up and left the room.

After about an hour and a half everyone was showered and ready for the day. The boys were ready to take Beau's car out somewhere and Isobelle and Gina were waiting for Kate and Dakota to turn up ready to reveal to Isobelle what she was doing that day.

Ten minutes later there was a familiar knock at the door. Isobelle ran to answer it for her mother and her best friend. They went back into the lounge where Isobelle sat down cross-legged on the floor gazing up at the three most important women in her life waiting for the plans for the day to be revealed.

"Isobelle, today is a huge day you know why?" her mother asked.

"No, I don’t. Tell me!!" Isobelle pleaded.

They were all silent for a few seconds until Dakota exploded into excited speech. "WE'RE GOING WEDDING DRESS SHOPPING!!"

Isobelle literally could not control her excitement and jumped up and threw herself at the women that were making all this wedding possible. She could not have been more excited, this was the day she had been waiting for her whole life.

Love Struck - Luke Brooks FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora