Chapter 27...

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Touchdown, and everyone was so glad to be home that they forgot about everything that had happened the previous day. That was until they got off the plane.

Somehow the fans had found out when they were arriving back home and there were literally hundreds standing outside the airport waiting for them. Jai was the first to notice them so quickly called his mum to come and collect them. They went through passport control and baggage claim safely but as soon as they stepped out of the big glass door of the airport, all hell broke loose. They were being chased by all the fans that had been waiting for them; some were just genuinely trying to meet the boys and were happy for Isobelle and Luke but others? Well, they weren't so nice. They had abuse thrown at them from all directions and even in some cases, literally had things hurled at them by furious 'fans'.

Due to the fact that between them they had 13 cases on top of all their hand luggage, they were unable to escape the abusive fans just by running, so, they very quickly worked out a plan. Jai, Beau, Daniel, James and Dakota surrounded Luke and Isobelle shielding them from view. As they were running to Gina's car Luke grabbed hold of his fiancé's hand who was sobbing uncontrollably in an attempt to calm her down and show that he was there.

When, after what seemed like a lifetime, they finally arrived at the car, Gina was already standing there with all the doors open ready for them to jump in and hurl their bags in as they went. As if by some miracle, they all managed to clamber into their seats and lock up their bags in the trunk in less than 20 seconds, closing the doors just in time.

The boys were livid. All except Luke who was completely oblivious to the cussing and swearing fans at the window as he was too busy comforting Isobelle and wiping the tears from her eyes.

The whole journey home not one word was uttered and only the increasing sobs from Isobelle and Luke's calming whispers were heard.

As Gina drove up onto their driveway, she instructed the boys to get all the bags out of the trunk and take them into the house with Dakota to bring their jackets, giving time for Luke to manoeuvre Isobelle into the house without causing her anymore stress.

It took a few seconds for Luke to figure out how to lift Isobelle into the house but eventually he decided to wrap her arms around his neck and carry her over the threshold in the style of a newlywed couple, which in itself seemed to be quite appropriate to their situation. Once in the house with the door locked he carried her straight into his and Jai's bedroom and laid her down on his bed. He lay next to her tracing patterns on her skin slowly lowering her heart rate and muffling her sobs. That was one of the most beautiful things about their paring; they were both so in tune with the other that it was almost as if they were one person. Each of them knew exactly how to handle the other.

Isobelle and Luke stayed there like that for the rest of the day; they even remained like that when they fell asleep six hours later.

During the time that they were in the twins' room the rest of the party filled Gina in on everything that had happened from the moment that arrived at Melbourne airport for departure right up to the present.

"So this was the first time the fans had seen Isobelle's ring? In the tabloids from the paparazzi?" Gina clarified.

"Yes, we were careful not to let it show in any of the final cuts of the videos we made while we were over there as we only wanted them to find out when Isobelle and Luke were ready to tell them and quite clearly they're not." Beau said gesturing towards the closed door of their bedroom.

Gina sighed, turned to her youngest son and said, "Jai, ring up and order three large pizza's, two portions of chips and a twelve pack of beer. We're gonna need some brain food."

Jai smiled and happily obliged skipping over to the house phone and dialling the number without having to refer to anything.

While he was doing this the others began to brainstorm how they were going to get the two love birds through this situation with minimal damage to their relationship.

They began with Isobelle. How were they going to make sure that she was able to recover her pride and go through with the wedding? It became very clear that this category was perfectly suited to Dakota and Gina as they were rolling out ideas here and there covering every angle.

As they were deep into the discussion, beau realised that if he didn’t write some of this down they would have no chance of remembering it, the boys that is, he had no doubt that his mother and Dakota would be able to recite every single word they discussed but the boys? Not a chance.

Just as Beau managed to find a pen and a sheet of paper, the doorbell rang with the pizza delivery guy which paused the conversation for a few minutes as Gina had to go and retrieve their order and pay the man. Once the conversation resumed Beau was writing like a scribe on drugs in order to get it all down, but even then it was only notes.

'Operation Isobelle.' He wrote on the top of the page as he continued to write down all the things they needed to achieve.

Don’t let her near any fans until she is completely ready

Leave her with Luke to calm down whenever she gets stressed

Remind her of all the reasons this shouldn’t bother her

Remind her of all the reasons that she wants to marry Luke

Talk to her about her nerves and overcome them

Gradually ease her into wedding planning so she gets excited about it

Plan everything to keep her mind off the fans

Take her shopping for everything she wants for the wedding

Result: Happily married Isobelle.

After they had decided on this final list, they had got through one and a half pizzas, almost finished they chips and downed a bottle of beer each. Now for Luke's list. This time it was mostly Jai and Beau coming up with the ideas but they all came to the same conclusion in the end: if Isobelle is happy, Luke is happy.

Even though they had decided that Isobelle was the key to it all they still made a list for 'Operation Luke'.

Don’t let him interact with haters either in person or over the internet

Let him do everything he can to help Isobelle

Take him out while Isobelle is planning, so as not to distract her

Don’t let him work too hard

Make him relax even if he doesn’t want to

Make Isobelle happy

Result: Happily married Luke.

Once both lists were finished, they all let out a sigh of relief. "Thank god we have a plan." Daniel said, to be greeted by several satisfied murmurs. By this time it was the early hours of the morning and all the food and drink had been consumed, so the remaining members of their weird and wonderful extended family divvied up the beds and couches for the night and settled down for a long, reliving, and well deserved rest.

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