Chapter 12...

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In the morning Isobelle woke up to find Luke lying next to her smiling.

"You look so beautiful when you're asleep" he said.

Isobelle smiled and said "you always say that."

"Yeah but I haven't said this before," he said pausing for suspense "you look pretty fucking amazing when you're on top of me." He winked.

"You dirty boy!" Isobelle said with a sarcastic gasp and a cheeky smirk. Luke laughed and kissed her forehead brushing her hair off her face. Isobelle looked down at herself and said "I better go get something on."

"You don’t have to, I don’t mind." Luke remarked as she got up off the bed and went over to her walk-in-wardrobe and put on a matching set of lingerie and a floral playsuit.

When she re-entered her room Luke had put his clothes back on from the night before, and was sitting cross-legged on the bed staring at her.

"Last night was amazing." He said.

"Well I try my best." Isobelle laughed.

"No I mean it was perfect."

"It was wasn't it?" Isobelle asked.

"I love you Izzy."

"I love you more."

"Not possible."

"Possible." She said kissing him to stop him from arguing further. He pulled her back onto the bed, sat her in front of him, and kissed the tip of her nose making her giggle.

Isobelle shuffled off the bed and skipped into the kitchen, poured herself a bowl of cereal and sat down to eat. Luke joined her soon after, following the same procedure as Isobelle.

"So what are we doing today?" she asked.

"Seeing the boys?"

"Sure. I don’t mind now that they know about us." Isobelle smiled at him.

"They don’t know everything." Luke said with a wink.

"And they don’t need to, do they?" she replied in a warning tone.

Luke reached for her hand across the table and said "I would never tell them."

"I know." She said relaxing into her chair once more. They discussed their plans for the day ahead over breakfast, then, when they were finished, they brushed their teeth and left the house to meet the other Janoskians at Luke's house.

As they were walking down the road hand in hand, a girl rounded the corner and saw them. Isobelle could see that the girl knew who Luke was and she was pretty sure she had guessed who Isobelle was too. The girl ran towards Luke and said "Oh My Gosh! Luke! Can I have a photo?" Luke glanced at Isobelle apologetically and let go of her hand to take a picture with the girl. The camera flashed and to Isobelle's surprise, the girl turned to her and said "can I have one with you too?" Isobelle was slightly taken aback by this request but agreed to it and took the photo.

"I understand wanting a picture with Luke, but why with me?" she laughed.

"You two are perfect for each other and I know that you're gonna be together and get married and have beautiful children, and that means that when you're a famous family I can say that I met you before the fame and I can have the picture to prove it." The girl explained with a smile.

Hearing that somebody other than her believed that her and Luke would be together and happy for that length of time brought a tear to Isobelle's eye. She looked straight at the smiling fan and said simply, "thank you." Pulling her into a friendly hug.

"You are so beautiful, and you are perfect for Luke. I have to admit, I used to have a huge crush on Luke and I thought that when he got a girlfriend I would have so much hate for her that it would drive me to send hate mail, but, I don’t feel like that because I can see how much you love each other and I'm not jealous even the slightest bit. I want you to last forever and ever and I don’t want you to listen to any of the hate that you might get, or the rumours that spread or anything that is aimed to put you down. You and Luke are perfect and I just know that any true fan of the Janoskians will be able to see that and they will be happy for you and they will support you till the very end." The girl whispered in to Isobelle's ear as they hugged making tears stream and stream down her face.

The two girls broke their embrace and Isobelle said, "What's your name?"

"My name is Dakota, Dakota Griffiths." She replied.

"That's a beautiful name. What are you doing today Dakota?" Isobelle asked.

"Nothing, I was just going to the convenience store to get some gum." Dakota laughed.

"How about forgetting the gum and chilling with us?" Isobelle asked hopefully.

"You serious?!" Dakota asked excitedly.

Isobelle looked up at Luke who gave a slight nod as she said "yeah, I'm sure. You've honestly made me so happy I want to introduce you to the rest of the boys. You totally deserve it for making me cry like that!"

Dakota laughed and jumped at Isobelle with such force that Luke had to steady them both from falling to the ground. As she let go they were both smiling and laughing so much that they were both crying again.

"You do not understand how weird this is for me…" Luke laughed awkwardly looking over at the crying girls.

"Sorry babe, we'll try and calm down a bit." Isobelle said breathless from all the laughing.

They began walking towards the Brooks' house and the girls got to talking about relationships. As they were having this conversation, Dakota revealed that she was single and ready for a relationship. Hearing this Isobelle clicked and thought about Jai 'if this works out it will be a miracle…'

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