Chapter 15...

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Over the next few days Luke, Isobelle and Jai gradually introduced Dakota to the rest of the boys and she began to feel at totally home with them, she didn’t get star-struck, she didn’t feel insecure about herself and most of all Dakota felt loved. She had found the most amazing group of friends and, although admittedly they were a relatively famous group of friends, they were no different from anyone else she had ever met.

Beau and Luke were amazing at making fun of Jai which was good for her as that meant she had to 'cheer him up' every time. James became such an amazing friend that she felt that she could tell him anything and Daniel? Well, Daniel was quite possibly the stupidest, funniest, craziest guy she had ever met and he was almost always able to cheer her up. Dakota and Isobelle were so close they were almost sisters (which really if you think about it they kinda are as they are dating twins), they talked about everything and spent almost all their time together, with or without the boys.

Jai. Dakota loved him with all her heart and more. Every time she felt down, he would pull her into his arms and tell her that she was beautiful and that whatever anyone said to put her down they were wrong because she was perfect and he would never leave her. On the odd occasion that Daniel couldn’t cheer her up, Jai always succeeded. They spent two nights a week at the Brooks' house and two at Dakota's house just like the rota Isobelle and Luke had. Dakota and Jai were the happiest they had ever been now that they had each other.

It was May 3rd and it was Luke and Jai's 18th birthday. Isobelle, Dakota, Beau, James, Skip and Gina had planned a surprise party for them and invited everyone they knew. It was going to be brilliant. But before the party started Isobelle and Dakota had to give the boys their joint present that nobody else knew about.

The girls were discussing what to get their boyfriends for their birthday when Isobelle's father rang her to tell her that he wanted to see her and that he would do anything to make her come over. That’s when they had an idea that they knew they would love. They were taking everyone to England. Isobelle told her dad that she would only come over if she could bring her boyfriend and a few other friends. To begin with Isobelle's father was reluctant to agree but gradually she wore him down enough for him to agree to fly her, Dakota, Luke, Jai, Beau, James and Daniel out to England and pay for their accommodation for the two weeks that they were there for. The girls knew they would love their present as it meant that they could go to the place that they had wanted to go all their lives and it also meant that the boys along with Luke and Jai would be able to meet their English fans and therefore make a hell of a lot of people happy in the process. The plane tickets arrived two days before their birthday and Dakota put them in a plain white envelope with Luke and Jai written on it in neat italics, and sealed it up ready to give them to them on the day.

Everything was set for the party and all that was left was to round everyone up and give the twins their gifts. Once everyone had given the boys their presents, Isobelle and Dakota stood up and began talking;

"First of all happy birthday!" the girls said in unison.

"Second, we love you. Forever." Dakota said making them smile and blush a little.

"Third, thank you for being such amazing guys. We couldn't ask for anyone better" she continued.

"And finally, your present." Isobelle said looking at the boys happy faces. Dakota handed them the envelope and said "don’t open it yet, wait till Izzy has explained" everyone looked very confused but allowed Isobelle to finish her speech.

"Okay, as you all know I moved here from England due to the fact my father is a prick." Isobelle started evoking a few giggles in the crowd. "Well he's decided that he wants to see me." Lukes face dropped. Isobelle noticed and gave him a reassuring smile and continued. "So he wants me to go over to England and see him. To begin with I said 'no. I can't leave here' then he told me he would do anything to get me to come over. That’s when me and Dakota got to thinking about your birthday present." She finished passing over to Dakota.

"We know that you guys have always wanted to go to England and meet your English fans too. So, we thought what if we could make that happen." she said leaving completely shocked looks on everyone's face.

"I told my dad that if he wanted me to come over then some of my friends came too. Open the envelope Luke." Isobelle told him.

Luke did as he was told and pulled out seven return plane tickets to England. Jai saw them and they both said "holy shit" In unison.

Isobelle and Dakota laughed. "We go in three weeks and stay there for two. We're all going. Me, Dakota, Luke, Jai, Beau, James and Daniel. All of us. You don’t have to pay for any of it, my dad already has." Isobelle smiled.

"Come here you!" Luke shouted at her. She walked towards him and he grabbed her hand pulled her closed enough for him to kiss her. Jai did the same with Dakota.

Everyone was so shocked that it was completely silent in the room. Well it was silent until Beau jumped up on the couch and started chanting "we're going to England. We're going to England!"

The girls laughed and ran over to the boys and joined in with a massive group hug.

"I can't believe we're going to England!" Luke exclaimed.

"Well believe it babe, it's happening." Isobelle replied in triumph that their plan had worked.

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