Chapter 3...

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In media studies, Luke, Izzy and Jai grabbed seats in a group near the window and settled down to work. As Isobelle had no work to complete she had to spend most of the class getting a rundown of the basic software they used and how to use it, which gave Luke and Jai the chance to talk. "So what d'ya think of Izzy then?" Luke asked his brother.

"She seems nice, and she's hot." Jai replied with a glance towards Isobelle.

"I know…"

"What? You have something to say, I can tell." Jai said showing his serious side that rarely got uncovered.

"It's nothing, I mean I knew it would happen, I don’t know why it's even bothering me."

"Tell me. Whatever it is, I won't tell her." Jai promised.

"I really like her. I mean REALLY like her."

"Explain to me why that's a bad thing?" Jai said sarcastically.

"So do you."

"Well yeah course I do."

"No, I mean I LIKE her…"

"You lost me." Jai admitted.

"Look, we're twins, so that means we're the same; there is no difference between us. When Izzy walked into the room I couldn’t stop staring, she looked so beautiful with her hair flowing down to her petite waist and her glowing awkwardness. I think I've fallen for her Jai, and the problem is, I know that you will too and that means that I haven't got a chance." Luke finished sadly.

"I still don’t understand what us being twins has to do with anything." Jai said confused.

"If we aren't different and we both fall for her - which we will - she will have to choose between us, and, being the person that she is, she won't want to choose between us so she won't choose either of us."

"Who said I liked her?" Jai asked.

"Nobody needed to say. You already do."

"Shit Luke, I'm sorry but I can't change it. What do you want me to do?"

"Back off."

"I wasn’t planning on going forward."

"Cute, real cute." Luke replied sarcastically.

"I wouldn't take her from you Luke, you saw her first. I might be harsh, but I'm not that harsh."

"Just don’t ruin it please."

"I won't, I'll stick with Skip." Jai said in an attempt to lighten the mood. Luke rolled his eyes at his brother but managed a small laugh at the thought of Jai and Skip as a couple.

"So how you gonna get her then?" Jai asked.

"I don’t have a clue…" 

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