30. Goodbye

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Miyeon's POV
I was getting ready for our graduation. Gosh...time flies so fast.
While going to the venue, I remembered all of our memories.

Yet I haven't been here for the longest time, I'll still obviously miss the school, our teachers, my classmates and friends.

My heart was beating so fast, my hand was shaking. Why?
I'm just beyond nervous, I guess. I'm really anxious when it comes to events like this, I'm always worried if I'm going to be late or I'll embarass myself.

I didn't eat that much at home, since I feel like I'm going to throw it all up because of nervousness.
Plus, we even have a performance.

Now being in front of the venue, I feel 10x nervous than before.
My parents said that they'll be there with me later and I can just go with my older sister.

I looked back and saw Minyoung, coming out of a cab.
"Minyoung!" I shouted. She looked at me and smiled.

I went inside the venue and saw that my teachers and classmates are there.
Chaeyoung, Ryeojin and Yedam saw me and waved and smiled at me.

We were in a line, alphabetically.

As soon as we went in, I started to get more and more nervous.

It was finally already our performance, I really hope I don't do mistakes.

After the performance, I can't really explain what I'm feeling or how I did.

Then, it was time to give roses to our parents. I only had one rose, so I decided to give it to my mom.
But before that, there was a video and I couldn't properly hear or see because..well, long explanation.

After the video, we went off stage and gave it to our parent.
My mom was crying, then I looked back and saw Ryeojin also crying.

I was being teary eyed, we went up the stage again.

All of the students of this school went up on stage, gonna dance and sing to a song.

While dancing and singing along, I was being teary eyed again but I just laughed it off since my friends who are beside me were doing or saying funny things.

After all of that, we were taking pictures, hugging and saying we'll miss each other so much.

As my family went outside, I then knew that I should be going outside too.

"Bye! I'll miss you guys! Goodbye!" I shouted to my friends, they said the same.

As I went outside, my friends also went outside.

Some left already. Me, my mom and my older sister were taking pictures.

As we got close to our car and I'm now really far to my friends and classmates, tears started falling.
I opened the car door, sat down and sobbed.

No one is seeing me sob but just my family.

My mom gave me tissues, my dad drived already.

My dad stopped because at my right was the view of my classmates and friends.

"Are you okay already? Can I go now?" My dad asked, I looked at them one more time and nodded.

As they were talking about where to eat, they decided on the mall near the venue.

I started to wipe my tears and fully make myself look like I didn't cry.

We entered the mall and all in my head, I really wish one of my classmates or friends are here.

While we were waiting for our food, I saw, through the window, Chaeyoung's dad and grandmother.

I got excited, maybe Chaeyoung will show up.


There was no sign of her. Sad, right?

As soon as I went home, I got a message from...Rosé.

i'm gonna miss you!!
thank you that you became my friend!!
good luck in college, miyeon unnie!
love you from the bottom of my heart!

To be honest, I cried because of the message.

It was the end of the day and it's time to sleep already.

As I close my eyes, I started remembering earlier and our memories.

I cried again, I just kept crying.

I'll miss you, guys.
Thank you so much. I'm so glad I went to this school. Yes, there were bad moments but..in life, you really have to have those moments, right? Well, I learned from it.
Looking back at the first day I went here, wow.
I hope we see each other in the future and I really hope we have a really fun reunion.
Good luck everyone and..
Goodbye, memories..

author's note
...this actually all happened in real life..
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i hope you liked this chapter and please keep reading this story and my other stories!
kamsa, thank u, okay!

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