39. Sudden Anger

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It's time to go to school now.

I enter the school and immediately got greeted by....Junkyu!!

"Hello, Miyeon! Can I ask you something?" He said.
"Hi, Junkyu! Go ahead." I said with a bright smile.

Are you gonna ask me to go on a date with you or something?! Sure!!
Gosh, that will never happened.

"Are you free after school?" He asked.


"Y-yeah. Why?" I said.
"Well, you wanna hang out in the mall or the café? Just the two of us." He said.

Is this real??!!
My heart was beating fast, my heart was happy and butterflies are in my stomach.

"S-sure! Let's meet up...here!" I said.
"Sure. I'll meet you here at 4:30. See you later!" He said happily.

"Okay. See you later!" I said.
When he left, I was jumping happily.

"Han Miyeon! Are you okay?!" Minyoung shouted.
"Why do you look so happy?" She asked.

"Me and Junkyu are gonna go to the mall or the café later after school!!" I exclaimed.
"Why are you so happy?" She asked.

Oh. my. gosh. I. am. so. stupid.


"Wait, you like him?!" She asked.
"You know what, I'm not gonna lie anymore. Yes, I like Junkyu!" I said.

"Oh my gosh!! I never knew! You're so lucky the guy you like asked you out." She said.
"Well.." I said.

Suddenly, the bell rang.

"Guess we have to go to our classes." I said.
"Yep. See you!" She said.

"See you!" I said then went to my class.

-After School-

I was waiting for Junkyu, where I said we would meet.

Suddenly, I saw Jisung walking towards me.

BUT, Junkyu arrived and we went outside already.

I felt really happy with Junkyu, but, guilty because it looked like Jisung really wanted to talk to me.

"Let's go to the mall?" Junkyu asked.
"Okay!" I said.

We arrived at the mall, we decided to eat.

"Someone told me you like me?" He asked.
I literally choked on my food.

"Miyeon, Miyeon! Are you okay? Here, drink water." He said with a concerned tone.
"I-I'm okay. Who told you?" I said.

"Minyoung, obviously. She told me when we were in class together. So, I suppose you do like me?" He said.

Park Minyoung!!!

"Well, yes." I said shyly.
"You'll find out if I like you too or not in a few days. It's gonna be a suprise." He said.

"Oh, really? I'll be waiting for your suprise." I said.

We were just talking, suddenly, I saw someone I wish I didn't see.

They were looking at me, also walking towards me.
I knew I had to leave.

"Junkyu, I'm really sorry but I have to leave.." I said.
"Oh, okay. See you tomorrow." He said.

I'm glad he doesn't ask why.

"See you! Bye!" I said then ran towards the exit.

Suddenly, I stopped because of a shout.

I turned around and saw Soobin, Jae In and Jae Hwi were pulling Junkyu inside the bathroom.

Gosh, these people.
When will they stop?!

I went inside the bathroom.
I saw them beating up Junkyu and Jae In asking him a question.

"Hey!" I shouted.

They all turned to me and smirked.

"Stop doing that to Junkyu! Do that to me instead!" I shouted.
"No, Miyeon! It's fi-"

Soobin punched Junkyu's stomach.

"Shut up, asshole!" Soobin shouted.

"Why are you here?! Why do you always have to ruin our plans?!" Jae Hwi asked angrily.
"Ruin your plans? You always ruin my day, my mood and MY plans! What's next?! My life?!" I shouted.

"We never did something bad to you!" Soobin and Jae In shouted.
"Bullshit! Just stop hurting Junkyu, he didn't do anything to you!" I shouted.

"Fine. First, choose. We will let go of Junkyu and you will go with us, do whatever we say or we will not let go of Junkyu and you can be free." Jae In said.

"That's easy. The first choice." I said with no hesitation.

They told Junkyu to go out and exit the mall, while I go with them.

"Please be safe, Miyeon." Junkyu said.
"Yes, Junkyu. Goodbye." I said then he left.

Jae Hwi grabbed my arm and dragged me to their car.

"If you don't do what I say, we will stab you three times, okay?" Soobin said.
"Okay." I said.

"First, you have to..

murder Minyoung."

author's note
hiiiii sorry for not updating for so loonnggg
i already have school, it's quite stressful but i have a lot of fun anywayss
anyways, please vote & comment!
i hope you liked this chapter and please keep reading this story and my other stories!
kamsa, thank u, okay!

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