Chapter 16 | Cruor

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A/N: If you don't like country music sorry(Just don't play it)! But I'm Texan and I was raised on it sooo sorry not sorry!

"Family ties,
Family lies,
Who will cry when my family dies?"

Julius's POV

"Oh Goddess don't ever scare me like that again." I sighed as I pulled her against me. The door slammed shut as I kicked it and I swept her into my arms. She was shaking and I felt my heart ache. I knew she'd seemed too calm outside.

"Julius!" She cried out and wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Alex—he tried to—he—" she sobbed and I tightened my grip. Gently, I laid her down on the bed and dragged her so she was pressed to my body.

"I know baby. But you're safe now. Alright? I'm not gonna let him hurt you ever again." I said.

"I'm so sorry... this is all my fault." She cried.

"How?" I questioned softly and combed my fingers through her hair.

"I didn't tell you the truth." She breathed and trembled.

"What?" I sighed.

"I love you." She sobbed and dug her nails into my shoulders as she trembled harder. My heart stuttered and I looked at her in surprise.

"Y—you do?" I asked in shock.

"Yes... I was trying to ignore it because Alex was my mate but I still love you. I love you so much." She breathed and kissed me gently.

I smiled and wrapped my tired arms around her.

"Get some sleep love." I whispered into her ear and she smiled and snuggled more into me.

I laid in bed with a sleeping Jezebel in my arms, watching the ceiling in a deep, yet aimless concentration.

Suddenly I was thinking of my family. Of all that we'd endured.

I remembered back when I was ten, when I'd made a discovery in one of the family study rooms....

I slipped into the room and looked around in the dim light. I was beyond bored with nothing better to do, since Alexander was taking a nap.

My eyes looked around the room of desks and chairs. My eyes settled on a dark figure on the far side of the room. I crept over to it using the light from the open door as I got closer to examine it.

I frowned at the black sheet covering a large box in the corner and curiousity got the better of me as I gripped the soft, dust-covered corner and pulled it aside. I coughed as it fell to the ground in a dark billow, dust flying in its wake. I sputtered and waved my hand in front of my face. My gaze was mesmerized by the large glass casing in front of me, the light shining on it like a spotlight, like it was begging me, ordering me, to look.

And I did look.

And what I saw scared me.

I looked up at the big shelf in horror. Each shelf was covered with a deep red fabric that slightly spilled over the glass. The large casing had to be at least five foot in length, two feet in depth and eight feet in height; but that wasn't the issue. There were three shelves in the casing and each section had many things setting atop the fabric... things that made my skin crawl.

Skulls, large and small, lined the top shelf, at least fifteen of them were lined up, that I could see, a mix match of man and wolf.

I glanced at the middle shelf and saw random bones placed meticulously along with strange artifacts like rings, other jewelry, cloths, chains, and other assortments of objects. My eyes scanned over the vast majority in confused terror.

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