1: An unfamiliar kind

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Parting from the taxi cab with two scarcely packed suitcases gripped tight in my palms. I slowly raised and immersed myself in the gorgeous bright sun-setting seaside of a place that sung true to my heart.

There were blooming gardens that were ripe with pink roses, sprawling with green life, statues and ornate italian-esc architecture. In the distance of was the grand estate, and beyond that were fresh-rolling grassy hills crawling off craggy, wind-whipped cliffs.  It all overlooked a stunning beach and vast bay of water below.

The skies paraded glowing clouds and this sheer vibrancy darkened what lay below on earth. There were twisting births of untamed green foliage and high bush up on the hills guarding the pristine beach. And this great mass had succumbed to the shadow of the dying light, appearing as a living beast breathing in the breeze, who kept the grand beachfront mansion estate captive to its remote spot on the bluff.

The sinking orange sun dazzled the waters, shining effortlessly with the fluorescent colours of the sunset. It seemed like the earth's star greeted me with comfort, its glaring warmth settled beneath my thin blue cotton dress and provided a blissful sensation, so foreign to what I've previously known. The warmth seemed to completely melt the stiffness from my muscles that I had gained during the tiresome car ride.

This magical Wesley estate that was festering in life,  thick in memories of the past yet to rediscover; was finally my home.  My true home I had waited my whole seventeen years to return to. Here, before me on this perfect night was, I was finally free, gifted with a future of endless opportunities before me.

"Ma'm." A voice called. I jumped out of my daze with an awkward squeak and returned to the patiently waiting taxi driver, a full-figured and red-headed man with terrible smokers cough eyed me with displeasure.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I quickly uttered, dropping one of my suitcases to hand the man a hundred-dollar note from my pocket. "Keep the change. Thanks for the ride."

"You're a kind kid..." The man said with a voice full of husk. I smiled and turned to go inside. But it seemed the man wanted to continue the conversation, "House is empty it seems... You're here alone?"

"Yes..." the question did feel quite unsettling, but I knew it was purely out of the man's curiosity. "My grandfather left this place to me... He was a historian... inventor... scientist? I don't really know what to call him, he was a lot of things. But he was mainly a birdwatcher and loved the sea birds..." 

I don't even know why I was blurting all this out to a stranger, I guess I just wanted a chance to talk about what a great person he was;

The man tightened his chapped lips when he already connected the dots. "Ah, sorry about your loss... Well if your staying here alone, just know that I live in the town over just in case you need something. Like a ride. you're quite far out from the rest of the community.." I saw his eyes, light and blue, look you me and down for a second and I couldn't help but cringe. "You seem too fragile to be living on your own, but hey, it's your life kid."

Fragile? If only you'd known what I've been through, buddy.

His hand fell out of the window with a thin card in his fingers. I snatched it up to see his business contact, then rose my eyes back to him "Thank you." That was all I said before the taxi engine started buzzing to life. Taking a few steps back, I watched on as the taxi circled around the gardens and headed back into the dense forestry of bushland, the headlights engulfed into the beastly wilderness.

I relaxed with a sigh, the thought of my grandfather still fresh in my mind. At this moment, his presence was still here, in every rose bush... in every stone brick of the mansion. It still didn't feel right to be here alone. I'm still expecting to see the old man right behind those doors, on his battered oak desk, using a magnifying glass to observe the intricate details of an old bird watchers manuscript or something like that.

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