12: Pulling the strings

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Homeroom - 8:00

"Another day of hell." Charlie murmurs as the homeroom teacher reading out the school news in boredom, she relaxed her hands behind her head and stretched a sigh falling from her mouth. "At least nothing's happened yet and everything seems peaceful on the surface like how it was before yesterday. Maybe The Dogs are having a day off?" Charlie snorts, but the laughter stops as she so wished it were true.

"I saw Jeremy and Doug roll in this morning, it's a good thing they are here, we know where they are and they are probably still parading around because of the battle in the car park won on their terms. They probably don't have anything planned yet." Lila said with her phone in her hands, she was furiously texting away to everyone else in the other classrooms. Evan, Scott and Janus were in Den homerooms so they couldn't message back but Bellona and Huxley could.

Lila has been looking out for everyone today and has been trying to keep in contact as much as possible, She's been great at trying to help everyone out, sort of like an unofficial leader, I hope she doesn't find the responsibility too much to handle.

"So are we heading down to the Nest at break?" I ask, I wish Lila could be more social in her planning, she comes across as the type of person who doesn't want to worry everyone else. A lot like my grandfather...I admire her heart, but we gotta think with our heads now.

"Half of us will. Bellona and Huxley will send the message to everyone else on where to go and which path to take. There's underground tunnels all over campus, we take a different route each time to make sure we aren't being followed. We just gotta wait until break...Charlie...Charlie?"

It seemed like Charlie was staring into space but she was actually listening to whatever the teacher was reading out. I decided to listen in as well. But then it turned out it wasn't our homeroom teacher, it was someone speaking through the school speaker system. It sounded like Annalise...

"This is a message from the school council; Greetings fellow students from all of us at the school council, and if you need a friendly reminder of who we are, Remember the names Annalise Dyson, Richard Kristoff and Doug Turner. Many of you know us by a different name that we have so generously adopted to make things a little easier, we are also known as The Dogs..." Annalise giggled and made some disturbingly realistic dog barks and then continued to giggle.

The speech, it was so clear well-spoken like how a normal council speaker may vocalise. In fact, I would totally be fooled if I didn't know the true intentions of these people. So that left the question...do The Dogs actually have some students fooled? Annalise cleared her throat and began speaking again.

"This message comes as an explanation of the particular scene many students witnessed yesterday after-school. We appreciate your concerns on the matter and we have settled the situation since. Yesterday, a group of students interfered with a council operation that involved the proper introduction of new eleventh grader (Y/N) (L/N) to Kuriabare high. It seems that the group of students have alluded (Y/N) to wrongly believe we, the school council, clamped her automobile without consent or explanation... in order not to let her leave the campus.

A furrow indented in my brow line, why is it that they are talking about this situation when it was very clear to see from anyone's point of view that The Dogs came up to intimidate us and everyone in the parking lot?... But... With Markov explaining yesterday on the drive home that he, and nobody else he knew attempted to clamp my car, why bring this up again? I eyed Charlie on my left who had the same look as I, but as I turned to Lila on my right by the window, her warm toned skin seemed to be loosing it's colour.

"Lila... are you okay?" I ask. There was no reply, just a blank faraway look in her brown eyes.

"With this clear defamation attempt, The school council has taken matters into their own hands and completed an investigation to reveal the true culprit of this disrespectful entrapment. Captured via CCTV footage; at 10:23 (Y/N) (L/N)'s automobile was approached by student Bellona Matisse who in a thirteen minute attempt tried to fix a wheel clamp onto the rear left wheel."

Her name... Bellona's name was spoken and sounded so clearly. My lips parted slowly, the weight of shock leaving my mouth agape.

I blinked twice, three times before trying to seek an explanation. There was no way Bellona could have done that, there was no reason at all! I glanced to Charlie once more where she held a stone cold glare right past me to land right on Lila. the intensity of her eyes left me even more breathless. Lila's expression was frantic and wide-eyed. Her mouth opening to try and find words but only the croaky sounds of guilt came out.

Did she know about this?...does...does that mean this is true?!

"Photographs of the CCTV footage will be visible on the news boards throughout the campus. We at Kuriabare believe that honesty is the best policy, and if you cannot live up to these standards you will have no choice but have to face the consequences of your actions."

Charlie's hands came slamming down hard into her desk, the sharp sound jarring everyone in the classroom. I shared her anger, her frustration. But as it mobilised her it froze me in place.

"...let me tell you what I think...I think it was your friends who did it..."

"...I wish to know as much as you do, for me it only leads into one direction...the direction you may not like..."

This doesn't make any sense... Markov was right and he wasn't trying to manipulate me... he was being honest.

"This has been a message from the Kuriabare High School council, and remember; It's better to be a loyal dog than a filthy rat."

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