4: The Whispers

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A conversation overheard in a secluded classroom...

"Why don't we just switch them into our homeroom."

"I agree with Finn for once. There's no chance that we can track their movements at all if they are staying underground the whole time."

"You reckon they actually are in the old church?"

"Ugh, you know that's just some myth. You really gotta stop being so gulliable."

"I actually believe it could be plausible. Considering why they would all be down there in the first place unless there wasn't a place so interesting."

"We need to try and find how they get underground. This locator can only do so much."


"What do you mean Markov?"

"Yeah not to doubt you or anything but they can't do much planning or whatever if we keep the place for ourselves."

"They don't plan. They aren't planners. They are scatterers. Scattering little rats under the floorboards."

"It still wouldn't help if they have a privately accessible place. Where we can't figure out if they are going to try and sabotage our plans or keep people under the radar."

"No matter where we follow them around, they will always have a place to go and meet. They will have communication with each other no matter what we do... the good thing about this is pathetic attempt to have a hideout is that they stay in one place. And we will know when they will be meeting and how they get around the school..."

"There's no doubt we won't see Cameron for a long time. Unless she decides to show up for her classes and uses these passages to stay away."

"That means if she stays away from us, it's likely she'll tell them about what happened in the computer lab. That means they know who we are after... shit"

"Stupid bitch. I'll rough her up next time, Jackson always does a sloppy job."

"How about you sorry asses listen to Markov."

"Thankyou Annalise. She knows when to respect the person who gave you opportunity. Need I remind you that you all were nothing until my family interfered?...No?...good. Now here is what's going to happen..."


Art class was a beautiful chaos.

Basically, we were all given free reign of the classroom and the supplies, we just had to finish the prompt that we were tasked with and give a small presentation at the end of class.

Those in the Art electives were starting a new body of work for the semester that had to be consistent with the theme of 'beauty'. It fascinated me that the teacher just spoke a few words, then left the classroom for the whole of first period only to come back for the presentations.

And in-between that time, for some mysterious reason, everybody actually got their projects sorted, or at least the planned out the basic foundation and ideas of what they would do next week. I didn't see how anyone actually focused with the hi-jinks that ensued.

Evan had challenged Scott to a dangerous duelling match with metal rulers whilst standing on wheeled chairs pushed around by Charlie and another student named Teresa. Scott accepted this duel announcing that 'he will win for my heart' in a melodramatic fashion. This unexpectedly had charmed me... until it turned out he was horrible at duelling and made the 'fight for my heart' nothing but a hilarious mess.

PAUSED-Man of Whispers (Yandere! Bully x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now