17: Sincerely.

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"...No!...no. no no. Nooooooo no no no! n-..." 

You see, this went on for some time...

It was after school, and once Lila and Charlie read the letter we all searched for everyone else in a campus-wide round-up.  We didn't exactly know why we had to get together, it just felt like the only thing we could do since Markov's offer has been thrown into the mix. And our phone's were a no go, until Huxley can give us the all clear.

Bellona, Evan and Scott had hung around at the gates waiting for us, but we couldn't find anyone else. Huxley was still with Cameron and Teresa, and Janus was apparently with Scott and Evan for a period of time until she left for work. I was informed her family was under a lot of stress to pay the bills and keep running their restaurant in Thistlewood. 

Bellona suggested that we should head to her mother's cafe in Lacombe Bay to discuss the letter, so we carpooled to city that was a short drive from Kuriabare. On the way there Scott and Evan had brought with them a strange energy, they continued to glance at each other in the car as if they were expecting something and stayed quiet for most of the ride which was very unlike themselves.

And then we arrived, chose a booth and ordered milkshakes and snacks between us six. I discussed Markov's letter with them; and was met with this scene...

"NO! Nooooo Nopedy nope nope. NO. NEIN. This is not happening!" 

"Keep your trap shut, Evan. My parents will kick us out if we continue have you yapping away." Bellona scolded the panicked Evan. But it's seemed he really didn't listen to her as he reached over the table and grabbed my arm. 

"(Y/N) You can't even for one second consider this! It's a trap!" Evan's brow curved up, worry wrinkled his forehead. I was really so weirded out by him...more than usual that is.

"Evan, I know it's crazy. But if there's one slither of us getting things back to normal around here, we have to at least consider it." The tanned blonde put his hands to his face, they rolled down his cheeks with a long and frustrated sigh. 

"But that's just what he wants!...Janus said that this is how it starts. They get closer and closer until they strike and kill everyone you love!" Evan sunk under the table, his nose in the air and staring back at me. He really was a frustrated child on the inside.

"What on earth are you on about?" Charlie growled, his loud complaints worsening her hangover.

Evan caught his breathe, still, stuck in time. Scott looked to him, then to me whilst chewing on his lip. Their eyes were unsteady, and both of them didn't make an opportunity to speak up at all. 

What are they holding back?

"We're not officially sure yet..." Evan admitted, "Janus says she has to do some research... but if what she says is true we could soon be in trouble." 

Their worries seem to be real but have no real basis. I'm as worried as he, Scott and Janus are, but why are they acting like this?

"I don't like making a deal with Markov as much as anyone else here does," Lila folded her arms across her chest, one hand to her chin and she gazed down in thought. "Evan, you said he broke off the truce because 'others' have not kept their word...if I had to guess, it would be about your father..." 

Evan's eyes retreated away once more. his nostrils flared at the words Lila spoke...I wonder what his father did to 'not keep his word'. Whatever he did, it really did frustrate Evan. 

"This isn't about him now, but by Markov's logic...a lie is more than enough to break a treaty. and that makes it fair if we catch any of his lies we can call the truce off too." Lila eyed me for a quick second and breathed in deeply. "He may be a Timberwolf, but it seems when he makes a promise, he will hold to it."

Lila looked at everyone else around the booth, enforcing the seriousness of her words. She seemed to be in disbelief of her own speech, but held a strength in her voice that came from some a subtle but genuine hope deep within her. This made my heart race, Lila was at least a little confident we could really get something out of this situation. 

"So are we really just gonna let (Y/N) meet up with him?" Evan voiced. I suddenly felt so invisible in this conversation, but I'm glad my friends are looking out for me at every instance.

"The letter said I could bring someone if I needed to, so I guess whoever wants to come with can do so." 

"You are actually considering it then?" Charlie asked and the pressure of an answer came to me. It seemed like it this meeting was inevitable. Even if I said no here, curiosity and the thought of my grandfather would persuade me in the end. 

"If there is anything you can do to help these people..."

"I want to go there to negotiate, I find it strange that all he says he wants is access to the beach outside the estate..."

"Is there anything specific about the beach that may be...I don't know...that is a strange thing to ask for." Bellona said, swirling her straw in an empty milkshake glass. I thought about the beach myself, the peaceful scene of waves crashing to the shore in the beauty of a setting sun is truly priceless. But was that really something Markov found value in? 

"Well...it is quite something...The surfing would be pretty nice there."

"So what? Markov's a surfing guy now?" Charlie scoffs. "No way on earth. Why is it always so hard to figure out what he wants?"

That was exactly it, there was no understanding him. Markov made himself a mystery in every sense of the word, what other ominous secrets lay beyond his frighteningly fickle personality and that indecipherable glare?


Every moment I've been with him so far, some things stood out to me more than the rest. I'm beginning to feel the figments of a real person under layers of a destructive nature Markov has gained in some form or another. Maybe...I could try to see through his blurred lines and be the first to know what makes him tick, because there is a distinctive element of his way that I can understand, familiar to my own inner workings.

If I could be the first to unlock the enigma within and understand what drives him. I could then have a chance to put a stop to his crimes.


pt 2 coming up ;)

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