8: Faceoff

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long ass chapter. After this chapter I'm gonna like cut out the world building/spamming plot details for a while and focus on the wonderful world of...Character development!

Things in this story have happened WAY too quickly and although it was kinda on purpose and made sense with the plot, I really gotta turn down the heat lol. We can then get to know our Mysterious Markov and explore why he is the way he is.

Why is he terrorising everyone?

What made him into this bullying teenage gangster?

How does he see the world around him?

Why is he so interested in you ;)

Find out more when I finally get this bitch of a chapter finished.

(Aaaaaand scene!)

"I probably wouldn't be alive if it weren't for you, my sweet little angel."


"That was a shit-show." Scott's comment flew by everyone at The Nest.

Nobody seemed to be in the mood to answer. After heavy debate of whether or not they should call a meeting at the underground church after school hours, they didn't feel the energy to actually discuss anything they just experienced.

Bellona had arrived as well as some other students and Lila made it her mission to tell everyone the summary of how The Dogs faced off with them in the car park. Lila knew that Bellona was kindhearted enough to take on that responsibility and would sugarcoat most of it for the students still recovering from their own events with The Dogs.

Charlie had hung around the upper level. Out of eye, only her slight silhouette would be caught as she paced around. She had been the most frantic after (Y/N) was abducted, as much as everyone tried to reassure her, Charlie knew that they were speaking without believing their own words and grew angry. So everyone decided she needed some time alone before she was ready to face the situation with the rest of them.

Janus had also made herself secluded as she sat on a pew at the very back of the church. She barked in protest when anybody tried to talk to her, a forlorn look in her eyes as she looked to the hand that still held the marks of the pistol grip. Charlie and Janus were great together, always teasing and trying to who can out-do the other in any activity no matter what. Charlie was quick to disapprove at Janus for pulling out the gun and their fallout was still lingering on the minds of everyone else around them.

Bellona took to the side of Huxley once she filled everyone else who arrived on the details. Huxley had tried to cheer up Evan in his own unique way. He saw that whenever he used his fingers to tickle at peoples ribs they would laugh, so he tried to tickle Evan and he did so, not understanding why he didn't seem to appreciate the gesture after Bellona came to his rescue.

"Sometimes people need to be sad, to get their emotions out..." Bellona held a thin smile to her y'all friend. He looked down at her with that curious tilt of his head.

The two then noticed Evan was out of sight.

Lila hadn't seemed to stress out like the others, on the surface she was always calm and collected. She lay next to Scott on the marble altar, who was taking out his frustrations by just needlessly talking to her as they eyed the arching roof and all its intricate details.

PAUSED-Man of Whispers (Yandere! Bully x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now