15: wants and haves.

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Scott was about to open the door to the Nest, but he hesitated for a second as something immediately changed his expression.

He leaned head closer to the door and I subconsciously found myself doing it too when hearing some strange noises on the other side, there were people inside talking, but there was a voice that seemed so out of place. The voice was a overly loud slurring grumble, the kind of noise a grisly bear would make and it echoed with a throughout the church.

"F---Fuck jesus! like....where is he? Come for the seccccond coming already! good sir! WEeeee aree sinnnerrsss."

I reeled back in shock, what a thing to say...especially in a church...who was it?

We walked through immediately and approached the scene, dumbfounded by Charlies state deteriorating before our very eyes.

"Get down Charlie you're gonna hurt yourself!" Bellona pleaded as a wobbly Charlie balanced herself on the railing of the stairs that connected to the upper level. She took a swig of a drink it seems nobody had dared to take out of her hand.

"Noooooo." she garbled, groaning in that grisly bear tone. she held her palm to her red face, and pressed into her skin like it was jelly. "I'm hot like a motherfucker."

"Charlie O'donnall...what the hell have you done to yourself?!" Lila called. Charlie looked out and over to us, she raised her hand from the railing and it caused her to slide down, she caught herself again and laughed at the surprise.

"I don't wanna speak to you Lila...you're a liar."

"Charlie! can you please let us help you down the stairs?" I called out, Charlie saw me and her eyebrows rose to the ceiling.

"(YYYY/NNNN)! of course you cannnn." I took the chance to come up to her before the drunk Charlie decided to do anything else, I raced down the pews and reached the stairs, climbing up slowly as not to disturb her as she was still on the edge. Charlie pointed over to me with a twitching finger. "you're like...such an awesome human being. you like...survived Markov without a Scritch-scratch!" she curled her fingers into claws and started making some cat noises i tried not to laugh at.

"Thank you Charlie. Can you please take my hand?" I extended my hand out to her. with her hand in mine I held it firmly as she stepped down from the railing, I wrapped my other hand around her waist to steady her from stumbling. She leaned against my shoulder and I soon became worried she was going to throw up on me.

"Am I yourrr prom date now?...when is prom? I wanna go dancings with you (N/N)"

I reached the end of the stairs and Bellona curled herself around Charlie's other side. She looked to me with a relieved expression. "Thank you...I'll try and sober her up now. Come on Charlie." Bellona started carrying the sloppy Charlie over to another compartment of the Church, Charlie's mutterings faded away and I regrouped with everyone else. Lila was silent but Evan and Scott appeared quite impressed with my handling of the situation, I waved off their praise.

"That was unexpected." Evan said in a huff.

It really was. I had no idea Charlie was capable of loosing herself to drink until drunk, not only in the morning, but at school...in a church under a school...This really was an example of how crazy things have gotten.

"Charlie loves to drink...She must have a stash hidden around here...my guess would be on the upper level." Lila deeply sighed. "It was because she was upset with me..."

The scene of Charlie slamming her hands down on her desk resurfaced when she found out how Lila stopped us from leaving the Dogs yesterday, she seemed so distressed in anger. Was she already drunk at homeroom? what was going on with her? Maybe the stress of everything was catching up to her...and that thought left me guilty.

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