24: Celebration

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It was now time for my afternoon classes; the only classes, according to my new curriculum...that I will have to spend alone without the giggling gaggle of my friends blindly guiding me throughout the school.

In fact, this was my first moment of solitude within these halls. Although it felt nice enough pull myself away from the persistent chaos that brought us all together...I only wished that during our time hiding underground and averting the watchful eye of The Dogs, my friends could have shown me the layout of campus so I wouldn't be as lost as I was now.

From a general guess, I was already at least five minutes into my first science class. With the stricter new staff and schedule, being late was not a luxury I could afford anymore if a wanted a chance at normal school life again.

"Hope you guys are still rebellious enough to contact me...during class time."

I started to get out my phone and pressed the home button, only to come face to face with a blank screen. With a dent in my brows, I try to find some sort of reason why the screen was blank as I could swear it was charging all night. I held down my finger on the home button, patience rapidly leaving my system, and yet there was still no sign of life within the technology.

"Damn it." I hissed.

My frustrations were of myself more than anything. I thought I knew how to be self-reliant, I believed I lived the way Grandfather brought me up to be. But I had carelessly gone with the flow of others to bring me to where I need to be, and now I was lost.

I couldn't have that. Especially after what grandfather taught me so well. I need to rely on myself in the long run.

Lazily retracing my steps from another dead-end compartment of the school, I started to lose hope in successfully locating my appropriate classroom. My paces brought me back to the third story of the grand spherical foyer in the main building. The place was shiny clean and empty, producing echos of my movement into every corner with the sudden illusion that the place had totally been abandoned.

"Skipping class are we?"

That tone.

His voice travelled in a melodic boom across the foyer, it was hard to pinpoint where he lurked. "After all my hard work gone into changing this place to your liking, I expected you to be a good student and follow the rules..." The slightly weighted squeak of shoes shifting upon the polished lino floors rose the hairs on my skin. "Bad girl..." with his last growl of a comment I turned, holding my hands close and firm to my chest in preparation to see Markov. And he never looked more different...

A silver dress shirt buttoned up against his toned torso, it was gleaming with the richness of high-quality silk fabric. In one hand, Markov held a grey pinstripe blazer draping down the back of his shoulder and the other down to his belt with his thumb hooked into his matching pant pockets.

"Well then, any thoughts?"

He eagerly waited to hear me speak first, and I truly didn't want to give him such satisfaction as I knew he could tell I was flustered at his appearance, but I had to... I felt like I had to talk to him...

If the reason things are changing around here is because of me, I've got to know how I can maintain this peace.

"Students...don't normally dress up like that you know?..." My slow wording displayed a fault in my confidence levels, so I cleared my throat and started again. "Looks like you have a special occasion..."

"I ask you for your thoughts...and the first thing you ask of me is my choice of clothing?" Markov chuckled. He clicked his tongue and looked over his clean outfit then rolled his head in a thinking manner. "But no, no special occasion...or at least as of yet. Although I was thinking about holding a celebration of sorts on my newly obtained private beach..."

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