14: Confliction (Pt 2.)

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Sport class was a tedious chaos, a very clear distinction from the happy experiences of Art class.

Every student felt it too, with the cruel and unnecessary punishment of cleaning an impossible amount of mess in an impossible amount of time. They all lined up with a plastic bucket in hand and disappointment clear on their faces. Evan was filling the buckets from one of the water taps in the bathrooms and helped squirt some cleaning detergent into the water. Scott was showing everyone the best way of getting rid of the paint which made me feel like it wasn't too different from Art class after all, except nobody was trying to fence once another in fits of laughter or trying to roast one another's work, the gym was silent, slow moving and depressing.

I was next to collect a bucket, but Lila smacked my hand away with quite some force. "Hey!" I protested, taking my hand in my other and observing a red sting form.

"Sorry...we just can't take any risks." Lila picked up my bucket started lining up for water, I halted with the confusion of her words, in fact I felt a little offended she called me a 'risk' for trying to help out.

"What do you mean by risk?" I tried to hide the hurt in my voice but I sounded slightly whiny. Lila spun around and it came to me that she was distant as ever..

"You heard what Hamish said." Her voice held no emotion...Some students looked to us from the line up as we were the only ones in the entire gymnasium who were speaking, everybody else was hurrying to get to work. "He said you weren't allowed to pick up a bucket." I backed out of line realising that there really was nothing else I could do. Hamish didn't sound serious in his delivery, but he wouldn't have said it if he didn't mean it. There might be serious consequences if I do help out.

What it the point of that?

I followed the line until I reached Evan, he cut off the water tap and released a long sigh. "We need to find a way out of here as soon as possible." He said. "There was a reason why they locked us in, to stop us from knowing what's going on outside."

I was kinda conflicted with what he was saying. If by some magical happening we do find a way out of here, would it be wise to do so? In no matter of time at all Lila reached us and pitched in with the conversation. Then she quickly locked us in the bathroom with her.

"You're right. I have a bad feeling about this. There's no doubt they are using the CCTV to spy on us now, this is the only place without a security camera." Lila started getting out her phone and I saw her log into the chatroom.

"That we know of that is..." Evan mumbled, earning a look from both of us. He held his hands up in protest. "I'm just saying, the Dogs might be creeps we don't know."

A series of knocks on the bathroom door alerted us three. "Are you guys going to let me in on your little playdate or am I going to be the kid that gets left out?" Scott pretended to whine. Lila rolled her eyes at his humorous attempt and unlocked the door. Scott followed on in and shut us all in, he looked to us in relief. "I've made a deal with everyone else, I offered them free tickets to see the gig this weekend if they focus on cleaning up the place so we can make our escape."

We all stared at him in silence, his dark eyes widened in innocence. "What?"

"And they accepted?" I asked, I don't understand how free tickets were an even bribe for cleaning up all of the Dog's excessive vandalising. Scott swooped his black locks back and eyes me in grandiosity.

"Well my sweet princess, you really do not know the adoration your fellow students have for my lovely band." He started observing his fingernails like a literal pompous stereotype. I chuckled at his charade and rolled my eyes. Lila's eyes shot up from her phone screen.

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