6: Confrontation

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Lila stood still, Huxley holding her hand like a child, she rubbed his pale skin with her thumb out of view of the other students. He still had an unreadable expression, but I could pick up that he was feeling anxious now and it hurt me to see Hux like that.

Janus had her arms folded across her chest in what looked to be confidence but what was a sign of self protection, she seemed to be playing a different role or her mood just changed at the sight of The Dogs.

Scott seemed the most casual in the situation, hands in his jean pockets that slight smirk resting on his lips. The charisma pouring from his stance was perplexing, instead of facing The Dogs it seemed as he was about to meet up with old friends. He ran a hand through his dark locks and sighed like he was tired, it was so out of place.

Evan held his baseball bat like a trophy and made sure the people across of them saw, he stared with pure rage, an animal-like scowl stiffened his features.

Charlie huddled over to me and gripped my arm in comfort. "We gotta get out of here." We were at the front of my car and out of the way of The Dogs, she pointed ahead. "My ride is five cars down, everyone else will deal with them. We should ease our way down, let's just wait until all the other students leave..." She pointed ahead to see that the students started walking out of the school, some dragging their friends along and leaving the car park deserted.

"Got Baseball practice tonight Evan?"A familiar voice called, It was a loud and gruff, the large stature of a guy stepped forward and held a cunning glare matching Evan's. I recognised him as Finn, the brute who made a poor assault on an innocent tree when he crashed the ATV into the gates.

Evan rolled his head before he answered."Oh you know, just heading down by the ball machines. Getting swing practice in before the weekend..." Evan bounced the metal on his palm. "Wanna join? You could use the practice." I could feel the tension thicken in the air.

"Maybe another time. Be sure to watch that knee of yours." Finn chuckled to himself and rested easier, still holding his glare though. "Was a mighty break wasn't it?" That seemed to hit a nerve with Evan, he stopped bouncing the bat with his nostrils flaring once more I was sure he was going to turn into a fiery dragon. "Want me to remind you, Evan?... it seems as if you can't remember..."

"Shut up!" Evan yelled. The Dogs laughed to have won the standoff. Scott made a strange move and laughed along with them. His casual grandeur taking the spotlight. Charlie patted my shoulder and gestured to get moving, we headed over to hide behind the next car and I took notice of Charlie limping on her heel hoping she didn't break her toes.

"Easy, still easy from you to get my little cousin all riled up huh?" Evan faced Scott a look of annoyance on his face. A wicked silence fell between the groups.

"Still easy for you to act like you don't know what's going on." A feminine voice cut through the pack, I took a quick glance to see it was Annalise before one of the other Dogs looked our way. Scott took slow steps on the ash fault and kicked up the loose gravel carelessly

"That's because it's easy to guess what's going on..." Lila didn't seem like the type to challenge The Dogs so I looked to her with worry, I knew she could see me in her peripheral but she didn't dare glance this way.  "We heard the bell, we should be getting home." Annalise rolled her light blue eyes.

"You don't want to know why I called the bell? I thought you Rats would like to know." it was Doug who stood side by side with Jeremy who just texted on his phone and Jackson full of boredom, coughing away at a cigarette.

"You called the bell? Looks like Markov's getting sloppy by letting you make decisions like that." Janus had an air of danger in her voice that I was once afraid of, but was now thankful for. Doug grit his teeth, and then all the Dogs got fired up at the tease, Janus's mention of Markov made a good distraction for Charlie and I to pass by another car.

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