(A/N): Grandfather update

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Hey everyone, I have some bad news concerning my personal life.

I just learned that early this morning my grandfather, the one who I took inspiration from in this story, has passed away in hospital.

He was an avid traveller, nothing brought him more joy than sharing the adventures he had around the world and would always try to convince us on trying a new cruise or finding us the best holiday deals. He always made us smile.

I still can't believe he is not with me anymore, but I believe he decided to spend one last day with us, which happened to be my birthday. It was the most bittersweet but magical birthday, his memory will inspire me to live life to it's fullest just as he had.

It's going to be hard continuing this story, what started off as a wattpad book has become something much more to me, something with so much feeling. I wish it was never like this, but that's just the way things are now. I'll continue when my period of mourning is over.

All I can really say now is I'll see you when I'm in a better headspace, and F*ck cancer.

From Jem.

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