7: Unexpected developments

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For once in this car, I was quiet like my grandfather wanted me to be. But instead of trying to keep my eye on the volcanic rocky landscape capturing the sandy beaches and the infinite crashing blue waves, My eyes were glued forward on the road as i was nervously hugging at my knees and chanting an inner prayer.

Please just let me go home. Please just take me home.

I was still clinging onto the events back at school. I didn't expect things to get so out of hand...Was that normal? Was it normal for Janus to pull out her gun like that? Whatever the case, that threat stopped the Dogs in their tracks. It was the moment that saved the nest, and probably the moment they dug themselves in a deeper hole than ever before.

Nothing else can be done about it now. But I know it's all my fault.

Markov's presence was like a growing shadow, every second we spent here in this car together was gruelling and harsh, with time slipping away at my fingertips. Markov was now in control of what comes next and he didn't speak at all to me since leaving the school grounds. Lila said that his words were usually honest no matter how much of a psycho he was, but he wasn't speaking at all.

Markov did speak honestly, the flow of his accented words moved well with his confident body language. It was just that knowing darkness he gives off, the dangerous low gaze of his outlandish vibrant eyes with a cold dimpled grin just irked that inner gut feeling of mine. It's a paranoia that tells me as much as he was willing to speak honestly with me, he would always have ulterior thoughts hidden in that dark mind.

Markov tilted his head in my direction every few minutes as we drove on, I could make out the blues of his eyes in my peripheral vision and the attention made me feel warm inside. I hated that feeling.

We came to an intersection on a road I recognised lead to the estate and we stopped for the first time since leaving school grounds. There was nothing heard between us but the purr of the engine.

"Enjoying our ride together? Its almost over..."

"I sure as hell am not..." Why would he even ask such a question when I was basically blackmailed into being abducted in my own car, I knew he was enjoying the awkwardness. My arms went to hug around myself again and I nestled into the warmth of my coat-jacket, but then cringed at myself remembering it was actually Markov's.

I hope he didn't see that.

"well said."

"Shut up! Don't you dare say what he-!" I caught my mouth on my hands again. "I'm sorry..."

WHY did I just apologise? AHHHHH! get mad at him! yell your heart out!

I didn't expect to get so angry and I was shrinking away from the embarrassment. He seemed not as teasing as I expected, his expression became somewhat soft and his eyes made sure they were kept on mine. it took me back a bit but then something about the way his eyes searched mine was settling my nerves. I looked down, feeling like I could explain myself.

"Some-someone said something similar to me in that car-seat, I was just thinking about..."


Heat rushed to my face. I was not used to talking about myself, and as much I wanted to open up the other people and had the opportunity to do so for the first time, I cannot let my kindness and honesty out so uselessly as it's only gonna harm me in this situation.

"It doesn't matter anyways." I had just become a blubbering mess to a violent teenage gangster, if this is not asking for trouble I don't know what is. I saw the corner of his lips curve into a grin.

PAUSED-Man of Whispers (Yandere! Bully x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now