20: Backstage battle

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Hours later...6:48 PM

"So garage number two, what secrets do you hold?"

During my wonderful hour long bath, the absurdity of my life became a most repetitive reflection. I couldn't even go from one simple thought to the next without laughing in disbelief at the numbers the secretary recalled. I had passed the shock stage of this extraordinary value I've been gifted and headed straight to a stage of rethinking my own reality with incessant incredulous laughter.

When am I waking up from this dream?

It was around the time Evan would start arriving, so It was time to see if there was an SUV in here.

The garage door began rolling up with a metallic screech, determining that this place hasn't been touched in a while. This second garage sat on the other side of a 1000 square foot stretch of cleared bush land, reaching the other side of the cliff-face the mansion stood above and right of the entrance to the estate.

And again...I was met with the shining army of a collection of cars, yet again I laughed at the scene like it wasn't real. "All these cars for a man who barely went anywhere."

It was twelve cars, six each side of the garage and I had already seen three of the most expensive cars in the world. A neon orange McClaren, a faint rose gold tinted Pagani Huayra and a pearl white Bently graced my sights on my left. A large black Cadillac Escalade gained my attention beside a board of color coded keys.

I took the black key from the simple wooden board of nails and looked up at the monster of an SUV and chuffed.

"If this doesn't have Huxley's leg room, nothing else on earth has."

I got on inside and got a whiff of the fresh leather interior, adjusted the driver's seat to suit my height and then put on the seat belt. I had to get a feel for the beast if I was going to take everyone to the gig. I smiled at the smooth roar of the engine.

I drove out of the garage and steered down the dirt road that connected to the courtyard, the steering wasn't as stiff as I expected it to be for such a big rig, it rode steady with good suspension. As I entered the courtyard, I recoiled just a fraction to see that headlights were already on the other side of the gates.

I hope he didn't see my stupid smile..

Soon enough, I parked and let him in. He drove his quite...modest...2007 model Lexus to park not too far into the courtyard and soon I came out to meet him...and Charlie...and Bellona...and Lila...And a wobbly Huxley exiting from the front seat like a baby giraffe.

"(Y/N) this is ...hOLY-" Charlie scrunched up her curled auburn hair in her hands and looked like she wanted to use every swear in the world to describe the place before her, In fact, she did just that. Bellona spun around in her short red dress like a fairy and giggled in wonder. "I feel like Alice in wonderland." she declared.

I look over to Evan for an explanation as to why they had all come along, he scratched the back of his blonde head...He got a little haircut...and looked quite nicer than usual. With a long tawny coloured tailored coat stretching down to his knees, black and paint-stained shirt torn at the edges overlaying his white-wash cut-off jeans with and a pair of classic white converse. It wasn't exactly what I pictured Evan dressing in, but it was very chic and grunge.

"Sorry, I know the plan was show you where we all lived on the way, but they hijacked the situation...they were too excited..." Evan looked away in embarrassment as Charlie and Bellona continued to babble on about the mansion estate before them. "And maybe a little tipsy..."

PAUSED-Man of Whispers (Yandere! Bully x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now