Part 11

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*The next day*

You woke up with the feeling of kisses on your head. You tiredly opened your eyes and you saw Jungkook smiling at you. 

"Good morning princess!" He smiled shyly and blushed.

"Good morning kookie!" You said and also smiled and blushed. He hugged you tight and kissed you once again. 

"Are you ready to go to your parents Y/N?" 

"Not now I haven't eat something." You giggled and so did Jungkook. You both put on some clothes and made breakfast together. It was delicious and an good morning. After you both ate something you went to your parents.

"Hi Y/N! Welcome back!" Your mother said.

"Hi mom!"

"And hi to you too Jungkook!" Your mother said and smiled sweet at him.

"Hi Y/M/N!" (your moms name)

"Come in, I'll get something to drink for you two." You, Jungkook and your mother walked in your parents house. You mother gave you all something to drink.

"Hi Y/N and Jungkook nice to see you again! It's been a while." You dad said

"Hi dad! It's also good to see you again!" You gave him a hug.

"Hi Y/D/N long time not seen!" 

You all drank your drinks and talked about how it went on school. Your parents were really happy that the bullies stopped. You also told them about your new friends. They said they wanted to meet them too. Your parents love to meet your friends.

"Mom, Dad I also have to tell you that I have a boyfriend." They both smiled.

"Really? Tell us about him!" You mother said and smiled again. Jungkook became shy and blushed so hard. You parents saw it and already know who it was. 

"Is it this beautiful boy next to you? Hm?" You mother said.

"Yea.." You smiled and blushed.

"Aww you two are cute together, I wish you two the best!" She said. 

"Have you already met his parents? You two have been friends for years but I've never seen his parents."

"Yes about that.. Yesterday it was his mother her birthday and we went to her party. She said that I wasn't worth Jungkook 's time and that he don't have any future with me. She wanted me to leave because she said that we were poor. I know we aren't the most rich people on earth but we're not poor right? I also know Jungkook 's family is richer than ours but because we don't have as much money as them she wanted to stop our relationship. After that fight Jungkook's dad came and said he was going to talk with his mother.. I'm really scared that he has to move or something I don't want him to leave.."

 You got a huge flashback of yesterday and you started crying about it again. Jungkook directly hugged you and gave you a kiss, he stroked your hair and back and calmed you down.

"Shh baby I'm never going to leave you, and if I have to move I'll be back as fast as possible, I promise."

"Do you already got a message from your dad about it Jungkook?" Your dad asked while he and your mom walked to you and hugged you. You were still crying and still scared to lose Jungkook. You finally found someone who truly loved you and who you loved. 

"Y/N please stop crying it makes me sad to see you like this." Jungkook gave you a kiss again, he knew that it helped you. 

"And no, I still don't have a message from my dad, I hope that there isn't happening something bad." He said. At that moment he got a message. He picked up his phone and looked at it. A message from his mom and dad. 

"Hey Jungkook, I talked with your mom for like hours and she still said that she never wants to see Y/N again. I did everything I can do for you but now she slapped me. We got in a huge fight and I'm so sad to tell you that she won't accept Y/N. For me you just could live in that house as roommates but I'm sure you could never bring Y/N here. I want to say one more time that you two are such amazing people and I want you Jeon Jungkook to care for her, she seems nice. I wish you the best and I'll come and visit you often." 

"Why can't she just accept our precious daughter? We're just normal people right?" Your dad says. 

"I know.. since I could talk she is acting like that to me: everyone who isn't rich isn't welcome in my family, home or anything.. Because of that my friendship with Y/N was a secret, just like that one with some of the boys." 

"We should go talk with his family Y/M/N."

"Yea I know we'll talk about it later."

"Okay now I also have a message from my mom.. I don't expect something good.." He said almost crying. You saw that Jungkook was almost crying so you hugged him and stroked his back.

"Thanks Y/N.." He lay his head on your shoulder for some seconds and he opened the message.

"So Jeon Jungkook, I decided that you are going to move back to your family 's house. I don't want you to talk ever again with these poor stupid people. And if you're here you are going to give me your phone so you can't contact with your stupid friends and that stupid girlfriend. Don't you even dare to talk with her again. That selfish girl who only wants money."

Jungkook started crying after reading it.

"N-No this can't be true.. I don't wanna move back I-I want to live with my Y/N! I-I can't l-leave you guys.." 

"Jungkook it's okay, we'll find a way to contact.."

"No! I'm not going there! Never! I'm going to live with you!" 

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