Part 20

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The next day you woke up, another school day.. You changed clothes, made yourself done and made breakfast for you and Jungkook. You both ate it and after that you both went to school. There were not much weeks left till summer holiday! Under school time you got a message from your parents to come to their house directly after school so you did that. On school there was nothing wrong, everything went okay. You directly drove to your parents house and they welcomed you. 

"Mom, dad why do I have to come here directly?"

"Well we wanted to talk, we want to know how it went by Jungkook."

"Ohh  yeah, about that, his mother accepted it!'' You smiled.

You and your parents talked for a long time when you got a message from Jungkook.

"Oh have a little moment, Kookie is messaging me."

* On the phone *

Kookie: "Baby?! Where are you?! You're not home!"

You: "Oh my god Kookie! I'm so sorry I didn't tell you! I'm at my parents house!"

Kookie: "Oh.. okay! That's good. I was panicking!"

You: "Aww I'm sorry..! I won't do it again!"

Kookie: "It's okay babe, when are you coming home?"

You: "I don't know.. my parents aren't stopping with talking.. So annoying.."

Kookie: "Oh.. Well, message me when you're coming back!"

You: "Okie!!"

Kookie: "Good luck baby! I love you!"

You: "Love you too!"

* End of the phone. *

"Thanks for being patient mom and dad!" 

"No problem sweetie!" Your mom said.

"So we have more good news.." Your dad said.

"Tell me! What is it!" You got excited.

"So, it's almost summer holiday and we want to go on vacation with you!"

"Only me? But then Kookie is so alone."

"No, not only with you, Jungkook can come too!"

"Really?! Cool! Where are we going?"

" (Random island name), You always wanted to go there right?"

"Yea! It's so beautiful there!"

"Well, you can tell it to Jungkook because we already booked!"

"Oh my god! Thanks mom and dad!"

"No problem sweetie!"

They showed you the place where you guys were going to stay. It was an beautiful hotel with an view on the ocean. It just looked.. Wonderfull.

"Wow! That's so beautiful! That view too!"

"Yeah haha we know!"

You talked with them for a long time about it. You also told them about what happened yesterday and they were shook.  It started to become evening. It was time for dinner so you decided to leave. You also told Jungkook nothing, just to like surprise him or something. So you drove home. When you came home you tried to make no sound. You opened the door quietly and pulled you jacket away. You walked into the living room and you saw Jungkook sitting on the couch playing a game on his phone. You walked quietly to him and started massaging his shoulders. He flinched and his phone almost fell on the ground.

Empty Words (Jungkook ff)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora