7 | well, you're hot

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WALKS WITH YOUR dog are supposed to be normal, at least that's how it went for me.

Unless you count today.

I'm walking on the sidewalk jamming to Jonas Brothers hit release song Sucker, while also keeping an eye on Brody, which is very hard to when your jamming out to your favorite artist. It's very interesting; how I was introduced to the Jonas Brothers, I mean.

It's still so surreal though, that it's almost been a year since they got back together. I was only 2 when they gained popularity, but I remember one of the Foster Care ladies putting on a Disney show on the TV. Eleven year old me somehow still remembered that and did research on it; turned out that Disney show was none other than the Jonas Brothers Disney channel: Jonas. I guess that's how my admiration for them evolved. I started using the chores money that I got from Rachel to buy Jonas Brothers merchandise, and soon, my whole room was turned into a Jonas Brothers room. I'm not a super geeky Jonas Brothers fan, since I've never been to any of their concerts and stuff like that, but every once in a while I like to envision myself having a group of friends and partying myself out with them at a Jonas Brothers concert. Especially since the Jonas Brothers recently got back together, I'm practically ready to go out in the world by myself... or so I like to think. But things take time, right? All I need is time... yeah, no. I sigh, plugging my AirPods out, ready to cross the street. My hands grip Brody's leash and start to walk across the road.

Now, I'm usually way more attentive when crossing the road, but today my mind was all over the place and didn't catch the red Jeep coming right my way at 50 mph. I'm about halfway through the road, by the time it comes.

Too bad I don't see it in time.

My eyes slowly side to the right and immediately panic when I see the Jeep coming at full speed. Instantly I jump to the side of the road, scraping my knee in the process. The blood starts oozing out, which makes me howl in pain.

"Oh shit," I hear an oddly masculine voice utter. The sound of a car door slams, followed by a bark.

"Brody!" I exclaim. My legs struggle to get up, but fall down, in pain.

"Oh God," My eyes meet a tall figured person. His shadow hovers over my body with peculiar eyes. "Are you okay?" The sun reflects his chiseled jaw.

"Uh yeah," I say, brushing off my pajama pants. A sense of embarrassment washes over me, as I realize I'm wearing my pajamas at 10 in the morning. My legs struggle to stand up on their own, and I topple back on the ground with pain. The boy reaches his hand out. I reluctantly take his hand and steady myself on him. He chuckles. "What's so funny?" I demand.

He looks at me with a slight smirk. "You're so funny."

I scrunch my eyebrows. "If you think injuring someone is funny, t- then you're crazy!" I remark.

He raises an eyebrow. "Injuring? How did I injure you?" I reveal the large wound on my leg, and much to my shock, he's very startled. "W- what?" he stutters, still in shock, "I- I did that?"

"I- I mean, yeah... I guess," I stutter.

He meets my eyes with nothing but full consideration in them. "D- don't worry, I'll get you help."

He rushes to his car immediately. "Where are you going?" I ask in confusion.

His face pokes out of his car with a broken face. "Fuck," he mutters, "it's not in here."

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