30 | Bad liar.

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SOMETIMES THE SMALLEST things can mean so much.

I'm sitting across from Spencer, who's laughing his ass off. "It's the last day of school, where your princess at, Derek?"

I try my best to shake it off, but deep down, I wanna punch him. "She's probably in the library studying. Unlike you," I narrow my eyes on him, "who's busy sucking up Cassie in the library."

Suddenly Spencer stops laughing. "Oh, you little runt! So what do you with your girl? Just look at her all dream like?"

I'm about to protest, but I stop. "Actually, yeah. It's called love, you should try it out sometime."

"Yeah, I do," he smirks, "in bed."

Well, this conversation just got rated PG-13. And if it couldn't be any worse.

"Step aside Princess, the Queen has come," I hear Spencer mutter. I shoot him a glare.

"Hey, boys," Olivia trots in smiling. "Hey Derek," she takes off her shades and puckers her lips.

"O- okay, then," I get up from the table. "You guys can do your thing and ―"

"But baby!" Olivia pulls my shirt. "Where are you going?"

I pull back my shirt. "I- I'm actually going to study for my English quiz next period."

That's a lie.

I don't actually have a quiz in English nor do I even have English next period, but I have to find a way out of this conversation. I can't possibly survive any longer.

"Alright fine, do your thing," Spencer announces, "but I don't think you'd wanna leave Olivia all alone." He signifies to the group of boys surrounding the table and I groan.

I turn to Olivia. "Alright c'mon." She gets up with glee and follows me out the door.

"You don't actually have an English quiz next block, do you?" she twirls her hair, all innocently.

I roll my eyes. "Of course I do!"

"C'mon! Don't play dumb, Derek. We're alone, you know that right?"

I look around and realize we are. Oh, shit! What have I gotten myself into?

"Look Olivia, I'm not that kind of ―"

"Oh, so you're a pretty timid guy," she eyes me down, "figures."

"Wha ―"

"How about this? I'll invite you to my house for Christmas and we can do it then."

It seemed too good of a deal to let down.

Only because I didn't want to spend one more Christmas with my parents moping about Cameron.

"Okay," I confide.

"Great!" Olivia says before I can go on. She gives me a peck on the cheek, "Don't worry, I won't tell them that you actually had no English quiz." And then she leaves.

Shit. Was it that obvious?


IT FEELS LIKE it was just an hour ago when I agreed to Olivia's so-called "invitation".

And now, here I am, preparing myself to ask Patricia and Mike's consent to go to her place tomorrow; because, apparently, that's one of the 'family' rules now.

God, I wonder how Cameron would've felt if he was a part of the family rules. Probably call it BS and disobey everyone. I snicker. Cameron was always the leader of everything; whether he liked it or not.

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