12 | Right now?

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WHY IS IT that everytime I'm having the time of my life someone always has to intrude on the fun and take me away? Take right now for example. I'm walking in the school with Aaliyah feeling like a celebrity (kind of like Nick Jonas) when, suddenly (out of nowhere), Spencer pulls my hand/me away from the crowd. I completely lose it as soon as I made eye contact with him.

"What do you want?" I grunt, clearly in loss of yesterday's incident.

"Why didn't you show up yesterday?" his eyes look into mine fiercely. It's funny because his eyes show more sympathy than anger, which is the exact opposite of what I expected.

It takes a few minute for me to realize what he's talking about. "Oh yeah sorry," I scratch my neck, "I got caught up with some uh shit yesterday."

Spencer cocks his head to the side and raises his eyebrow. "Really?" he remarks.

The inside of my stomach twists. "Yeah really," I grit my teeth.

Spencer sighs, tilting his head up. "Whatever. The point is you didn't show up yesterday."

"Yeah..." my voice drains off anxiously.

"Whaddya mean yeah?" Spencer questions. "You know your going to get kicked off the track team today."

"What?!" My eyes practically bulge out.

Spencer nods his head. "Yeah. I heard Coach talking about it today."

"Look, don't be funny, Spencer," I say, clearly anxious.

"I'm not," he sighs. "Okay you wanna know the truth?" I nod my head reluctantly. "One of the guys on the team doesn't want you as Captain and he's trying as hard as he can to get you kicked off the team."

Out of the twenty five members in the baseball team, I couldn't think of one who would hate me so much. "Who?" I ask dumbly.

Spencer shrugs his shoulders, then looks away. "I don't know if I'm allowed to."

My eyebrows wrinkle. "Whaddya mean you don't know if your allowed to?"

Spencer sighs. "I don't want you to beat him up."

I snicker. "Trust me," I say, "when I say that that's the last thing I'd wanna do to him."

Spencer shakes his head. "That's thing," he starts, "I don't." It feels like someone has suddenly given me a slap as soon as he says his that. Especially someone like Spencer; what's wrong with him? "Look, man, I didn't mean that," Spencer says in an oddly nonchalant way.

"No, it's okay." I force myself to look in his piercing/icy green eyes.

"O- okay," Spencer's voice shakes as he looks directly at me. "I better get going now," he points to one of the hallways behind him and scurries off without even looking back.

Strange. Spencer is almost never intimidated by anyone, unless your counting about that one time with Coach Steve, but I'm not going there. Am I intimidating? Or is Spencer, himself intimidating to his own self? Whatever; I have better things to do.

Like what? my brain questions, as I make my way to English class (the one class all students are required to take for four years which I heavily despise).

Like... I scramble for a decent response.

Like for lunch. Yeah, lunch. Because today I'm going to be having lunch with the one and only Aaliyah Lilac Moore.

I had almost forgotten about that! I smile, now realizing that I haven't almost. Maybe that could help me clear up my mind about everything. Just Aaliyah and I sitting in the commons, and her sending me googly eyes while spooning me the school's mashed potatoes because that's the only thing that's actually edible in Lone Star High School.

Yeah, in your dreams Walker! my brain spits.

In my dreams for now yeah.

I smirk, knowing I've clearly won.


hi :)

is anyone on the edge of their seats for the next chapter?? are y'all even ready for the next chapter? i don't think you are! U GUYS IM SO EXCITED THOUGH BECAUSE THIS IS LIKE WHERE ALL THE THRILLER AND REALISTIC FICTION COMES IN AND I- I'M JUST LIKE, MY HEARTS PACING BECAUSE IM SO HAPPY RN. also if y'all wouldn't mind, could you please just cote (comment + vote)?! it would mean A LOT!! and also i'll do the same for your stories too, just lemme know down below (in the comment section!1!1). aight, well das it for now! bye n thanks for reading

― AK 💜

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