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AP PHYSICS WAS the worst, if you don't count the part where Miss Wallas let us have a study hall towards the end of the thirty minutes of class. Too bad I wasn't able to actually use it though because I'd spent the whole thirty minutes pondering over Aaliyah.

Like, seriously. The whole thirty minutes I spent thinking about her; and only her. Okay, that makes me sound like a stalker. And for your information, I'm not, I was just worried about her well being — and still am.

It's all my fault though.

I seriously shouldn't have invited Aaliyah over for lunch. I should've known that Olivia would barge in, like she always does. The first time I brought over a girl for lunch, Olivia went completely ballistic and was so close to ripping her hair out. I felt bad for Courtney though because Olivia did leave a scar on her face. The funny thing though was that the only reason why Courtney was over was because of a science project we had to finish up and was due right after lunch.

Thanks to Olivia, I got a D+. I was really trying to upgrade my Biology grade that time, but all the project was downgrade my already bad grade. Courtney was able to make up for her project though because of the wreckage Olivia caused.

Damn, that girl has problems.

I don't know what's wrong with her, but ever since I joined Lone Star High School three years ago and got into the baseball team, she's been all up on me. She once made me late to Latin (which I highly minded because I actually like Latin) and told me how as soon as I became Captain of the baseball team, we were gonna officially be a couple.

I'm pretty sure it's because of her that I'm even Captain of the baseball team, although Spencer doesn't agree with me. It's probably because Olivia is his cousin. I swear the kid's related to everyone in school, and I'm not saying just friends or anything; I'm saying family related.

When he told me about Olivia being his cousin, I had just come back from being bombarded by a bunch of her friends and was so close to having Olivia get it. I almost punched Spencer though because I thought he was joking, but then the devil just had to appear out of nowhere and end our conversation. I swear the devil sent her down to be his little bitch. And I'm not one to curse (although I've been cursing every since I was five), but when it comes to Olivia I can't help it.

Even though we both have our differences, we do have one similar taste, or should I say hatred.

Cassie Wilson.

I only dislike her because she's related to the devil Tyler Wilson, but Olivia hates her for multiple reasons. She won't tell me though; the closest I got to asking her about it was when she was deep in her thoughts. I remember it very clearly which is funny, because I could care less about her. She had just came to my table during lunch, crying for some reason, when I asked her if everything was okay, like a normal human being would do. She wouldn't tell me though and just at that moment Cassie decided to walk by. I don't recall exactly what happened but Olivia accused Cassie of calling her a bitch, and then they got into a big argument. We all ended up going to the Principal's Office, because, apparently, I was a witness of all this and was required to attend. The part after the Principal's Office I remember very clearly because that was when I confronted Olivia about her hatred towards Cassie. She wouldn't say anything, but at the very end, when the bell rang, I swear she murmured Tyler.

That was the last time we had a real connection.

"Mr. Walker," I look up from my paper to meet a set of green eyes.

"Yeah?" I ask, wondering if I might've dozed off.

"Do you know what comes next?"

What is this? Kindergarten? I wrinkle my eyebrows. "Uh, I don't know, ma'am."

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