44 | Where'd ya go?

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THE WHOLE FIASCO on Saturday night is the only thing I can hear on Monday through the school hallways. I figure the science hallway won't be that crowded since it's practically always empty, but as soon as I enter the hallway, I start having second thoughts. "Awe look it's my Prince in Shining Armor!" 

I tighten my wrists. "Back off Spencer."

His green eyes narrow down on mine. "Or what? You'll beat me up?" We all know that, unfortunately, Spencer is much stronger than I am, since he goes to the Gym everyday (unlike me, who is cutting off some slack). He treats the Gym likes it's a religion or something, which is nuts! "You already did enough Spencer. Don't try me!"

He chuckles. "Just like you did to your brother, but now look where he is," he points upwards and my face turns red. How dare he disrespect Cameron like that! "Don't you go thinking that I'm that ―"

"Hey Spencer! Do you want me to post this video, or will you fuck off?"

"Don't you dare post that McCellan, or I will kill you!"

I catch a glimpse of the video where Spencer is throwing all up in McDaniel's library and stifle a laugh. My eyes examine as the boys, along with Spencer, exit the Science hallway with a sneer before meeting a dragged out Philip. "What happened to you?"

He raises his eyebrow. "Not even a 'hi', or a 'thank you'?"

I scrunch my eyebrows. I can't even tell if he's joking or not. "Uh thanks? But what the hell happened to you?"

"After party. McDaniel's threw this huge makeup party the day after because of the whole drama incident Saturday."

"And you went?" I raise an eyebrow.

He nods his head. "What was I supposed to do? Call up my only friend who ditched me Saturday night?"

I sigh. Fuck, I had totally forgotten about him! "Philip, I'm sorry. I truly am. I was so invested in Aaliyah that I totally forgot about you."

"It's okay," he shrugs off, "I got a ride from Paula."

I grimace. "You got a ride from your ex? What about Kat?"

"Eh, well, she's lesbian and, you know, I don't date lesbians so..."  I nod my head. I hadn't expected Kat to be the lesbian type at all, but oh well.

"Are you okay though?" I look up at Philip's blue eyes, which somehow shows remorse.

"Yeah, what do you ―" And then it hits me. The words that fell out of that asshole's mouth Saturday night. "It's been three years, Philip, and I'm still here."

"Yeah, but," Philip sighs, "why'd you keep it a secret for so long?"

I invest myself in a locker that's decked out in birthday signs. "I came here to start a new life, not to dwell in the past."

There's a moment of silence. "You could've at least told me."

I look at Philip, and for a second all our memories flash back in an instant. "I should've."

Philip crosses his arms. "Did you at least tell her?"

I look at him, bursting out with laughter. "What makes you think I would tell Aaliyah this?"

"I don't know," Philip replies sternly. "I just thought since you were so invested in her, you would."

"Well, I didn't," I stop laughing, "and I never will."

"What makes you say that?" Philip follows me to the exit of the science hallway.

I stop. "Look, she's been through a lot, Philip. The last thing she needs is carrying my burden."

"Well, maybe that's the point," I look at Philip inquisitive. "In order to have love, you must have pain." I scrunch my eyebrows and Philip sighs. "What's the point in loving someone, if your not gonna open up to them?"

I'm not usually stuck on questions, but I admit on this one, I really am. Like truly am. What the hell is the point in loving Aaliyah if I'm not gonna make the first move?


MY LEGS TENSE up as the clock ticks. Right after Study Hall, I usually meet Aaliyah in the hallway. I'm figuring this is my chance to pull her away and ask her out; confide my feelings and everything (although it's a pretty risky move). I mean, what if she says no and ― she won't Derek! You promise? I swear on my God damn life. Oh please be right! If only Philip is here to hype me up. Unfortunately, he doesn't have Study Hall with me and isn't willing to skip Spanish because, apparently, he has a Spanish quiz. The only person who does have Study Hall with me is Spencer and his 'squad' or whatever BS name he calls them. Lately, I've been finding myself alone in Study Hall, but I guess it's good since I get to actually finish my homework. I take a deep breath, just as the bell rings. Okay Derek, you got this. My feet lead the way through the maze of people.

"Hey aren't you that guy who took that girl home?" I look up to meet a tall ass blonde haired boy. "She must've been mad drunk! What'd ya do to her?"

"Fuck her!" someone calls out in the crowd.

"Fuck off," I respond. I'm in no fucking mood to get into a fight right now.

"Whatever man," the same guy responds, "but just letting you know, I wouldn't do those kind of girls dirty."

"For your information, I didn't do anything to her. And even if I did, what's it to you, huh? She's as pretty as your girl, probably even more."

There's a moment of silence and the guy's face turns furiously red. "Don't you dare compare your girl to my girl!"

"Then, don't go around spreading all these BS rumors about what went down!" I snap.

"Oh yeah? T- then what happened?" the guy squirms a little.

I stand my ground. "We talked like normal people. You should do it, it's actually nice." The guy shakes a little before running off. "Dumbass," I mutter, walking to Economics. Suddenly, I catch a glimpse of black curls. I stop dead in my tracks to take a closer view, only to find Aaliyah exiting the school building along with what seems like Rachel.

What the hell happened now?

Oh God, what the hell happened!


hi :)

contemplating on either doing treadmill first or taking my dog for a walk. i hope y'all cuties are doing great n feeling good about yourselves (u should be bc u r!!). peace out + COTE please!!

― AK 💜

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