26 | It's a date.

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I WASN'T PLANNING on asking her out, until I saw the flier plastered on the wall.

It was like God coming down in a flyer, giving me the courage to take that leap. I had been considering taking her to the aquarium since our talk at Denny's, but I never really confirmed it 'till I saw the poster in the Guidance office.

I push open the doors, to let the bright sunny weather enter the school before exiting the building itself. My legs race to the football field, while my heart's pace increases rapidly.

I make it to the field, nearly passed out. Suddenly, my eyes Aaliyah's black curls.

I take a deep breath.

Okay, Derek, I think to myself, you can do this.

"Derek!" I gulp at the familiarity of the voice.

"Yeah?" I force myself to make eye contact with Coach Stevens.

"You signing up for the track meet?"

Oh shit. I totally forgot about that!

I scratch my neck. "Uh when exactly is that?"

He raises an eyebrow. "Next Monday."

Wednesday, Thursday, Friday...

I count the days leading up to Monday and any events occurring. "I can make it."

"Good. The deadline for signing up is tomorrow, just letting you know."

"Right." I guess I'm really not on top of my game.

I wait until Coach Stevens has left and run up to Aaliyah.

Unfortunately, she's talking to someone else.

I make a small wave to let her know I'm coming.

She waves back with a smile, and I instantly feel a warmth of rejoice.

The girl, who she's talking to, suddenly points at me before leaving and I wrinkle my eyebrows.

"Hey," my eyes dart to the girl, "what was that all about?"

Aaliyah's eyes are set on the girl as she sighs. "Oh, we were just catching up. She's a friend?"

"A friend?" I raise an eyebrow. That girl seems so familiar, I just can't tell from where.

Aaliyah nods her head. "Yeah, just a friend. Why?"

Something about that girl seems so sketchy!

"Friends don't give that much closure," I point out.

"Oh so you do?" she scoffs, crossing her arms.

I chuckle, then stop. "I do?"

All this time, I thought I was taking care of Aaliyah. Was I really not? Damn, maybe I was paying too much attention to Olivia!

"No, no!" Aaliyah immediately says, "stop doing me like that Derek!"

I stop dead in my tracks, wondering if Aaliyah knows what that means. I mean she is a little sweet innocent girl after all.

"Like what?" I smirk.

"Oh you!" Aaliyah punches me in the stomach. I have to admit, her punches are getting stronger by the day. My muscles will be no use to her strength any day now.

"Okay, okay!" I stop, recalling the aquarium. "Y'know I wanted to tell you something, but I guess I'll be going now."

Aaliyah, surprisingly, settles her hands down. "No, no! Tell me!"

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