37 | too fast

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THE MONDAY RETURNING to school, I'm in no mood to be greeted by the familiar faces Lone Star High School has to offer. Especially after what happened on Saturday. "What's got you down in the dumps?" I'm walking with Kat in the English hallway where both of our classes are, but different teachers.

I sigh, looking at her. "Oh just the usual, y'know?"

She wrinkles her eyebrows. "No, I don't know. Aaliyah, is everything okay?"

"Well, I just ― remember my plan to uh thank Derek?" Just the name Derek makes me want to puke. And the 'thank' right before it ― don't even get me started!

"Yeah," Kat nods her head, "how'd it go?"

I shrug my shoulders. "Well, that's just it. It didn't go."

"Go?" Kat stares at me, "I don't get it."

"You were right, Kat. Derek doesn't deserve a thank you."

"W- what? What do you mean?" Kat runs up from behind me. "And I don't ever recall telling you no to your plan."

I take a deep breath in. "Well, you see, I went to the movies and saw him there. So, I called him out."

"Wait ― you called him out?" I nod my head. "Like, in the theater?"

I nod my head again. "I don't see the big deal ―"

"Aaliyah," Kat sighs, "the first and foremost thing to do is never call someones name in a large crowd."

"But ―"

"Even if it is a crisis, which I don't think this was and ―"

"You don't get it!" I start having a break down. "All this time, I thought he liked me too, but he was so ignorant to me. Kat, he turned me down!"

"H- he what?" There's a moment of silence, as a few of the people surrounding us, turn their heads back. "Aaliyah, this might sound weird, but," Kat stops, "even I was feeling pretty comfortable with you and him together."

"Oh," I don't know what else to say.

"B- but I never expected this. I mean, are you sure, that he meant this?"

"I mean I ―" I never acknowledged his feelings, "well he did say it, so he should've meant it."

"Doesn't mean he automatically meant it. Look, there's a difference between saying something and meaning it."

"How are you so sure?" I wipe a tear. "You weren't there to experience it, or anything."

"Because," Kat sighs, "I've been there before." The bell rings, indicating the time for first period.

Kat glances at me. "Okay, well, I gotta go. We'll catch up later?"

"I guess," I murmur, although I can't quite comprehend how she's taking all this is so easily. It felt like just yesterday she understood me, but now? Now, I don't know anymore.


MY HEART RACES as I walk up to the baseball field, where all the jocks are lined up against, laughing. My eyes narrow for one specific person. His laugh slowly turns vicious as he eyes me. "Oh hey look, it's Derek's girl!" he cackles.

"Not anymore," I mutter.

"What?" he looks at me, outraged.

"You were right," I tilt my head, "to stay away from Derek."

He walks near me. "I don't get it. What happened?"

I smirk. "You out of all people should know. After all, he is your best friend, right?"

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