14 | I don't like you!

139 41 8


I WASN'T EXPECTING to spend two whole periods pondering over Spencer's unusual behavior, but somehow I've found myself already spending my whole English period thinking about Spencer. And now Spanish too, I guess. It's so weird though; seeing Spencer act so fidgety and shit. I mean, when was the last time he acted so out of place and why now? It was an accurate reason then (because he didn't follow Coach's commands appropriately). But why now? Does it have something to do with Cassie? Oh God, I'm sure it is. They probably already started dating, but Spencer doesn't have the nerve to inform me. Should I ask Cassie maybe?

I shake my head. Better wait till Spencer finally works up the courage to tell me, and then laugh on it.

"Uh Derek, right?"

I look up to meet the Spanish teacher. "Um yeah."

"It is time to leave for now. I hope you do know that." Recently my Spanish teacher got replaced with a new Spanish teacher since she's under labor, but the new Spanish teacher doesn't really understand English entirely, so she's constantly messing up her words which is kinda annoying/frustrating.

"Y- yeah. Sorry," I gather all my paraphernalia quickly. I stifle a giggle from how bad her English is and race out the door.

I make my way to my locker, since all my items for next period in there. Usually, students in Lone Star High School, tend to not use their lockers very much.

They used to.

Until Lone Star High School, allowed for students to carry their book bags with them wherever they went. But I don't bother, because I find the 'old' way or whatever more efficient anyways. The boys on the baseball team like to tease me about that sometimes, which I don't seem to understand. I mean is it a crime to be using your locker? Isn't that why you have it in the first place.

Philip seems to think so.

He's also the first person who acknowledged the fact that I use my locker, and the rest of the baseball team hopped on his 'wagon'. I don't even know what his problem is with me. It's not like I did anything, or say anything to him that could have him hate me. I stop dead in my tracks. Could he be the guy Spencer was telling me about? The conversation I had with Spencer replays in my head.

Nah, I shake my head.

Philip has a strong hatred towards me even before I got chosen Captain. Well what if he knew beforehand? Whaddya mean? I shrug my shoulders. I don't know maybe Coach told him before? I snicker. Does Philip look like a teacher's pet? From what I know about Philip and his past experiences with Coach, I doubt that he would ever be a teacher's pet!

I enter the Commons, glad that I can now relax, and take a deep breath in. The Commons is the one place where I'm able to actually chat, because, if were being real, the teacher at Lone Star High School are really strict on teaching and therefore, don't allow us to chat. Although I doubt I'll do that much talking today since I'll be having lunch with Aaliyah Lilac Moore.

A small grin starts to spread across my face, before expanding more wider.

My eyes scan the huge crowd of people in the Commons, in search, of Aaliyah. At least just a glimpse of black curls.

Nope. No use.

I sigh in disappointment after five minutes of searching. You can always try again later, I suggest. Yeah, after lunch ends.

All of a sudden, my eye catches glimpse of black curls bouncing up an down. "Aaliyah, Aaliyah!" The black curls belonging to the most beautiful human being ever turns her head around. "Aaliyah, I was searching all over for you! Also, I'm so sorry for leaving you all alone this morning. My friend pulled me over and ―" I look into her eyes, relieved that I found her. "I'm just so glad your here."

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