10 | Need a ride?

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IT'S NOT EVERYDAY you meet the girl of your dreams, but I guess the Universe was feeling extra grateful yesterday and decided I was finally ready to meet the girl that I've been crushing on for the past two years.

Or she had the opportunity to meet me.

Whatever; same thing.

I'd asked her if she wanted to come over to my place, but the last thing I wanted is to have her embarrassed. And plus, she was a whole lot different than I expected. But that doesn't mean I don't love her anymore. I mean it's just one slight difference, anyways. The fact that she gets irritated easily (doesn't everyone). Who can get mad at that? Definitely not me, but if it was someone else then I would totally break our relationship right there and then.

But it's her.

It's Aaliyah; and because it's her, I let it slide... for now.

I spent the whole last night staying up ― and I know it sounds stupid, replaying my conversation with Aaliyah. Our conversation only lasted for five minutes, but to me it felt like an eternity. I kind of wanted our conversation to last a little bit longer, but I didn't enjoy watching Aaliyah suffer with her scar, so I let her go.

Kind of regretting that right now.

But it's okay, right? I mean, I'll see her at school today anyways. And how sure are you of that? What if she decides to stay home again because of her scar? I slap my forehead furiously. Can you stop reminding me of that? I almost say out loud. You're making it sound like I'm responsible for her scar! What if you are? I shake my head, furiously, refusing to admit that I am. But don't you love her? If someone loves a person so deeply, then they'll admit to everything. Doesn't mean I have to admit to every little thing! Yeah, you do. Well maybe you should —

I think it's time for you get ready.

I open my eyes suddenly, only to realize I've been closing my eyes the whole time. My eye catches the time and I slowly come to realize I only have twenty five minutes to spare.

That's easy, right? Only getting ready in twenty five minutes; I could do that! Yeah, no.

No one can get ready for school in under twenty five minutes. At least I can't.

But I force myself to get my lazy ass up from my bed and start getting ready. There's not that much to do anyways, since I don't bother showering in the morning. To be honest, I don't even get why people do. I mean, what's the purpose of taking a shower, when your gonna get sweaty later on anyways? At least that's in my case; since I usually stay after for either track or baseball in ― oh shit! I run a hand through my messy hair recalling track practice yesterday. I'd been so invested in Aaliyah yesterday that I totally forgot about track!

I knew the Universe wasn't being that sweet towards me, there's always something up their sleeve.

Oh God, what will Spencer say? Will I really get cut off the Track team?! I can't afford that. What will be next: getting cut from the baseball team?! My hands slide down my cheeks in shock. Whoa, whoa! Slow down! Aren't you getting a little ahead of yourself?

I stop to take a deep breath, inhaling all my doubts and then exhaling them. Something Beth (my therapist) suggested to do last time I saw her. Surprisingly it actually works and I'm able to calm myself down.

Okay, I think to myself. You now have twenty minutes to get ready for school, and that might not be enough for you, but — you can do it. Okay? I believe in you and that's all that matters. Now lets get your raggedy ass up and get ready for the hell called school.

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