17 | should've known

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I SHOULD BE mad at Kat for letting her allow Derek drive me home, but I can't, because I know the inconvenience it will cause but most importantly: how awkwardly safe I am with him. I for sure would've been very awkward sitting with Kat driving home, but with Derek, it somehow feels like a safe haven for me.

Like I could do anything right now and he wouldn't judge even judge me.

Not even the slightest bit.

"What are you thinking about?" I look away from the window.

"Uh nothing," I mumble.

Derek chuckles. "You must be thinking about something."

"Why do you think that? You know its scientifically proven that not everyone dreams."

He swerves the car and I hold on for my dear life. "Yeah, well, you know people like you always have dreams."

I wrinkle my eyebrows. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Derek shrugs his shoulders. "I don't know. You tell me."

"But you just —"

"The point is you were thinking about something, and I want to know what it was."

"What are you? My boyfriend?" I bite my lip, realizing what I just said.

There's a period of silence, following Derek's comment. "You could've just told me your dream was rated R."

"What?!" I almost shriek.

I expect Derek to back away in shock, like Kat did, but surprisingly, he stays put. "You don't know what rated R is? Damn, you really are one of those innocent girls."

I shake my head. "No, no. I do know what it is."

"So your not so innocent after all," Derek scratches his chin, "hm nice to know."

"No, I am,"

"But you just said —"

"I didn't mean it like that!" I spit.

"Alright, alright," Derek brings the car to a halt and I'm about to question him, when I realize we've made to our neighborhood.

"That was fast," I murmur.

"I know," I look up astonished. I hadn't expected him to hear me.

He flashes a smile before turning off the engine. Suddenly his eyes squint as he peers closer to his car window. "What? What is it?" I ask in curiosity.

"Nothing, I just," he starts, "is someone sitting on my porch, or is that my imagination?" He shakes his head. "Must be my imagination."

"No, your right," Although I wish I hadn't said that because now a flash of blonde hair catches my eye.

"Hold on. I'll be right back," Derek immediately runs to his porch.

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