48 | I'm here.

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I SHOULD BE at Philip's house, or doing anything else instead of sitting here serving tacos to this bitchy old lady, but yet here I am. Dressed in a Mr. Sánchez Taco's shirt and serving tacos, anyone who knows me would instantly feel guilty. "Hey Walker," I look behind me to spot a curly light brown haired boy, taking off his jacket. 

"Sam!" I scold. "Where the hell were you? I was repeatedly calling you and ―"

"Chill," Sam says, "I was out with Ava."

"Whatever, your shift started over an hour ago." Sam just joined recently at Sánchez Taco's and so far, he's been slacking off. Of course me being his 'guide' or whatever, I should be very calm and easy with him, but it's kinda hard when he's been showing up late like this for the past three months. And I would love to fire him, but him being Mr. Sánchez's nephew or whatever is a big hazard to firing him. God, I don't even know why Sam even came here in the first place. Anywhere but Frisco, Texas is where I would want to be right now.

"Alright, alright," Sam sighs while putting on his apron. God, I hate this kid. I guess I'm being pretty pissed off at him only because Mike banned me from driving to other places like I usually do because of my 'behavior' this Monday. He also got pretty mad when I informed him of quitting baseball. I never got that close and personal with him before, so, his response wasn't really that surprising ― he banned me from electronics for a week and my car. So I guess it was wrong timing of informing him that.

I place the server plate back in it's place before taking my phone on the counter and rushing out the door. I take out my keys and immediately the Jeep beeps. Fortunately (with Patricia's help), I was able to convince Mike to take the Jeep to work because there was no hell of a way that I'm taking the bus home! I take off the Mr. Sánchez Taco's shirt, because it's way too itchy, and replace it with a blue polo shirt. The last thing I need is to get more embarrassed when I walk into Domino's to pick up the pizza I ordered before serving that bitchy lady. I wasn't planning on buying a pizza for tonight, but the more I thought about it, the more sense it made. I mean we are going to be staying up practically the whole night! I start the car, buckling myself up and drive down the road.

I'm not really planning anything tonight, I'm just hoping everything goes to plan. Okay, so, maybe I am planning something. God, I just hope everything goes right!


AS I'M TAKING a turn to my community, I start to realize that I haven't really planned how I'm going to make Aaliyah come in the car with me. I mean she probably already thinks I have major problems by seeing me at therapy, and plus, how am I going to drive her to the spot? Shit! Why hadn't I thought of this before? I smack my forehead. I knew something was fishy. Okay, think Derek. Maybe you can make up an excuse that's it long traffic? It will take seven hours to come home from a place that's twenty minutes away. I shake my head. Maybe you can say you're staying at Philip's? Well... I mean that could be possible.

I start to think about it more, scratching my chin. The aroma of pizza suddenly wafts through the car and my mouth drools. Alright fine. I park my Jeep in the driveway and take out my phone to text Philip my plan. About halfway in, my eye starts to wander to the pizza in the back. I admit it has been a long time since I got to eat pizza, so you can't really blame me, right? I open the box to take out one when a glimpse of a girl catches my eye. I close the box and take a closer look only to find Aaliyah taking Brody out.

This is your chance, Derek! I unbuckle my seatbelt in a hurry and then hesitate. Is this plan of mine even worth it? I mean I know ― Derek, look at me. You've planned this for three months now and your plan is a hella of a good one. Now get out there and confess your love for Aaliyah! I mentally slap myself. Your right, what am I thinking?!

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