15 | biggest loser

125 41 6


I GUESS I should have anticipated the worst when sitting with Derek, but no matter how many times I told myself that. My dumb legs wouldn't budge from the seat. I guess I should take that as a sign that soon none of my body parts like me. First it's my legs and then comes — what? My hands? I look at my hands, inspecting the hand print on them. It's so fascinating that everyone has different fingerprints, but also dangerous because if you were involved in a theft then investigators could use items you came in contact with for evidence and soon you would be caught and thrown in jail.

I wish that's how life worked.

Like as soon as you committed a felony, you'd be sent to jail. At least that's a way how people could learn from their mistakes. Hell, it could even be the smallest thing. Like what just happened during lunch earlier. My eyes start to water just thinking about it. I wipe them away quickly.

Come on, Aaliyah! I think to myself. Your a strong girl; you got this. You don't nee to cry over such a silly thing!

It's funny though because I'm not even crying because of the incident, I'm crying because of not seeing Derek anymore. It's the right thing to do, I think to myself. And plus, you saw how he made eye contact with that girl? That's what you call true love.

Yeah but —

You just met for two days; you guys don't have anything!

I shake my head in dismay. Whatever.

After a long time of contemplating, I decide on packing up my things and heading out the bathroom door. I'm halfway done on packing up my paraphernalia, when the bathroom door swings open. My breath falls short as I hear the sound of a girl talking.

"I can't cover for you any longer," the caller says through what seems like a phone.

"Can you just give me five minutes? I'm just looking for this one girl, and I'll be there. Please!" she whines. Girl? What girl? I freeze. What if that's me? I chuckle. Please, get a load of yourself!

"Kat, I —"

"Okay, thanks!" Kat hangs up her phone. "Hello?" her voice echoes through the bathroom. I hold my paraphernalia tightly against my chest. "Aaliyah?"

I freeze for a full minute. How the hell does this girl know my name? "Y- yes?"

"Aaliyah, oh my God," her voice comes out in relief.

I open the stall to face a black haired girl, with purple haired tips. She kind of looks an anime character. "Hello?" I ask utterly confused.

"Oh right sorry. My name's Kat," she sticks her hand out. I shake it, not knowing what else to do. "So..." her voice trails off. I can already tell that we're clearly the opposite based on her outgoing personality and my introverted personality, "whaddya like to do?"


"What are your hobbies?" she asks in a cheerful voice.

"Oh, I don't know," I shrug my shoulders, as my eyes take in my surroundings.

"Sure you do," Kat urges.

I sigh, clearly not interested. "I like uh badminton."

Her eyes grow wide for a second, and I back away. "No way. I like it too!"

"Oh hehe," I chuckle awkwardly, "that's cool."

"Oh, I'm sorry, that was probably so weird of me. I just never met someone who likes badminton."

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