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Italics = Chinese


"I'll miss you, thanks for all the memories.", Ana patted the wall which seperated the living room from the kitchen. Smiling she turned, throwing one last glance at her longtime home in Korea. She would miss the tiny apartment space. Ana heaved up her last box. It was funny how she had come with more stuff to the apartment than she was leaving with.

As she left the apartment she thought that maybe she should keep it under contract. Just so she could retreat to it if she ever needed a safe space, for whatever reason. She would need to talk with Banghyuck about the idea, to make sure it was fine with the entertainment.

"I'm finished Hyung", Taeil who waited with Kun in the car held out his hand to pack the box in the back of the car. Kun opened the car door to let Ana inside the car, laughing at the snob face she made at his gesture.

"I can't wait to see how the boys react when they find out that Ana is officially moving in. Why did you only tell Taeil-Ge, WinWin and me?", Kun said casually in Chinese. Taeil rolled his eyes, typically Kun, forgetting that the older only understood some words.

"Because they would have thrown a party. You know how Mark is, he'd want to celebrate. Especially as I move in before the Dreamies debut.", Ana answered in Korean, nudging Kun's seat from behind, to make sure that the other got it that he had to speak in Korean.

"Sorry Hyung. Ana will you really take the ghost room?", Kun glanced to the backseats, Ana nodded her head. She had Banghyuck trying to make a dorm change for all NCT Members so they were out of the ghosts domain. She quite liked Myeongwol though. The girl was funny if she wasn't trying to cause mayhem and scare the rest of the group members.

"It will be fun and fine, plus the Dreamies will move to the new apartment complex soon after the debut. We'll move sometime later, so just a month or two of waiting", Ana leaned back in her seat, taking in the street lights. It had been early afternoon when the three had started the packing, now the sunlight had already started to dim. She smiled. The two boys had been overly estatic when they finally knew where their soon to be and only girl member lived.

Taeil glanced through the mirror and chuckled shortly after. Ana seemed to have fallen asleep innert the last few minutes. He took one hand off the wheel to nudge Kun, who then turned around and laughed.

"She is cute isn't she?"

"I sometimes wished that we all are just friends and met her in this world without the whole idol training. She deserves better, you know?", Taeil smiled fondly. Ana was one of the most loveable people in this world. Always helping the boys first, but still savage and never losing her dignity, even though she swears sometimes. All that she seems to embody was her love for the others, always being the Mom for everyone.

"Don't get cheesy", Kun muttered. Still, he agreed with what Taeil had said. A person like Ana deserves better.

"I'm not cheesy Kun.", he nudged the other again laughing at his fake offended face. "Well a little bit, maybe- Kun, she's like my other little sister, of course I'm cheesy."

"Duhh, stopp sweet talking", Kun grumbled, showing a fake annoyed face. "I'll wake her up"

"Nahh, let her be. She'll wake up anyways the moment the car stops."

"True", Kun pulled his phone out of his jeans back pocket. "Do you think they had enough time to set it all up?"

"Banghyuck-hyung helped them, they pretty sure got it all ready. I still can't believe that WinWin and you come up with this without Ana and me noticing", Taeil shook his head, Ana would probably hate them for like the next two hours, but it was worth it.

"You aren't as observant as you like to believe Hyung, don't forget that", Kun laughed, sometimes he really asked himself who was older, Taeil or him.


"Shsh, be silent or you'll wake her up", Kun put a finger on his mouth to make sure the soon to be dreamies understood.

All seven grabbed a box stuffed with clothes, books or artistic items. Taeil grabbed Ana's old and worn out dufflebag as well as her professional MakeUp suitcase. While Kun carfully tried to lift up Ana. After he had managed that, he carried her to the dorm. WinWin just watched and closed up the car afterwards.

"This either goes well or really bad", WinWin muttered to himself. He was as sceptical about this project as Taeil, even though he had planned it with Kun.

He heard her, even before he set foot on the right floor. "-should really hate you Kun, using the dreamies as a protection. Shame on you!"

"Would you tone down Ana? The neighbours don't need to know that you favour Kun's babies over him", WinWin hugged the girl from behind sending everyone else in the room a reassuring smile. "He was just so happy that you'd be next to debut."

"Yeah, can I finally get my hug know?! I waited for you to come here the whole day", a tired Jisung, still with a box in his hands, whined and Mark just nodded his head. Everyone knew that Jisung loved Ana the most out of his elders. As much as Kun had adopted the Dreamies as his kids, Jisung would still run to Ana first.

"Aww, come here, I'm giving out free hugs. As much as I dislike this stuff, it's so sweet. But next time just say that you want to throw a party", Ana peeled herself out of WinWin's hug and pulled Jisung in an embrace, after he had put the box down obviously. "Now just please tell me that Mark doesn't do the DJ."

"That was one time Noona!"

"One time and the most shish of music I've ever heard to be mixed by a DJ"

"She has a point Mark, it was shit", Ten butted in, but was shushed by almost every member older than Mark. "What, they will learn those words anyways."

"But still let them live in their bubble of innocence, you can plopp it when they graduate", Ana had pulled Jisung with her and they now sat on the couch, still hugging or rather cuddling now.

"We'll pack the boxes away and then we eat. Banghyuck-hyung helped us setting everything up", Taeyong decided and lifted the box Jisung carried from the floor. The rest who still held their boxes followed his example, they put everything in the now still empty dorm room. It had been Taeil's and Doyoung's until the incident, from now on Ana would live there.

"I'll still prank you for this", Ana decided out loud, which made some of the remaining members in the living room rethink their life choices. Ana promising pranks was never a good omen, especially when all her MakeUp was around the house.

Jisung was the only one who just giggled, though too silently for anyone but Ana to notice. He knew that she wouldn't prank the soon to be dreamies. She had too much of parental feelings for them to do so.

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