Label V

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Chinese is not in italics here.


Ana tumbled through the masses of people. The airport was cramped and she could not name a last time she had seen so many people at one. She had been surprised at first but soon got used to the amount of people. She soon got lost in the masses. No one would notice her as an idol. She was rather unknown in China anyway, so she did not worry.

She had to get to the Label V building by herself. She had agreed to it as part of the deal. She was not officially working in China. There was no set schedule for the next two months. She had to train with the few trainees that would make the cut for the China version of NCT. It had been agreed on it, when they discussed Ana's sudden Hiatus. The fans would be a lot friendlier to SM, if she was actually doing something in China.

Now she was going to get down the first part of her Hiatus Holidays. Two months, she would have to train with the seven trainees that had made the cut so far.  Then she had to evaluate them and consider who was ready and who not, no matter if she liked them personally or not.

She sprinted to the bus that halted just in front of the airport's gates. It was not the bus with the shortest ride, but if would suffice as an excuse to arrive a bit later than planned. Also she could get a good 20 minutes to calm herself down. This was nothing new, she had nothing to fear. She would meet the PD's and then she would meet the seven trainees.

Easy, right?

Ana took a deep breath. She had a 20 minutes bus ride. Fearing that someone did not like her, was like fearing the reality of this world. Not all people could or would like her, that was the way this world worked. She was just nervous for nothing. "Nothing will stop me anyways."

She got off the bus, her thoughts still imagining every possible scenario where someone could dislike her. She almost walked into the male who had suddenly stopped on the pathway. She shook her head in embarrassment. Get a grip, she thought, really there is nothing to fear, only people to miss.

Ana took the path in fast strides. She had to get on with her life. This was not a bump, this was another mountain to climb. She did not have a lot people that she had to pass by or that stood in her why. It was probably why they put the main company building out here, outside of the main city circle. Less people your artists could walk into.

The building did not gave a way that it was from Lable V or a company at all. It looked more like a big apartment complex then anything. When Ana stepped in, she manoeuvred her suitcase to stand next to her.

"Hello, I am Jiang Ying Yue and I have a meeting with someone of this company in about ten minutes. Could you please tell me where I have to go?"

"Ah, you're the Korean Idol that is supposed to meet up with the company heads and one of the new managers." The woman typed away on her computer. Writing Ana a little note and handed it over. "Here, down the halls, left, take the elevator thrid story, they have someone waiting."

"Thank you."


She was supposed to meet the trainee's. It was an easy feat, but Ana somehow had managed to be there as the last one. She had taken the wrong truns two or three times a row. She had landed by the garderobes and dressing rooms.

When she entered the first one to confirm her suspicion, there were a woman and two men in it. The three were working on a collection of outfits for a group of boys. Ana grinned, she used to do that too. It had been fun and there had been so many textures and styles they could try to mix.

"I am sorry to interrupted. Could one of you please explain to me how to get to the practice rooms? I got lost." Three head shot up and the woman laughed airily at Ana's statment.

"That's normal. You go to the elvators, up to the fifth story and then turn to the left." One of the men explained, the woman was still chuckling behind her hand. Ana grinned and bowed as a thank you, before she left.

"Why the hell do I always get lost on the way to important things?" The girl wondered as stood in the elevator. This was really not unusual for her. Now that she thought of it, it was kind of totally what she was portraying as a person.

She followed the directions, as exact as she could. There was a boy with brownish hair that had grabbed her somewhere on her way and pulled her along. Therefore she did not really look at her surroundings close enough to know if she was going in the wrong direction. Ana sighed, this would be really really hard working two months.

Brown hair had pulled her through a door into a practice room. Announcing loudly to everyone in the room, "I found her."

Ana took a few seconds to take in the sight of the seven boys in front of her. All taller than her, she was almost pouting.

She would never be taller than anyone, would she? Oh well, she would be the shortest one next to Ten.

"Okay, Yangyang made this a bit awkward. The instructor said you often get lost so we should look for you." A boy, who's hair was black with blue streaks, explained. "I'm Hui, this over there is Jianyu, the temporary blond is Xiaojun, the tallest one is Chenghao, the boy next to him is Hendery and to finish it off our youngest Liang."

"Nice to meet you all, I'm Yingyue or Ana or queen. Whatever you like." Ana bowed slightly in a way to show her respect for those seven. To be a trainee and to get trained by SM Entertainment and Label V was an achievement. You fought for and payed it with blood, sweat and tears.

"Welcome to this mess of a training unit." Hui said grinning and Chenghao tried to box him for that comment.

Ana could not help but smile. They would get along great and hopefully she would be able to name each one of them as a member of NCT. This would be a great seven weeks, tiring, endless pain and hard work, nothing she would not survive.

"We can discuss our plans for the songs today and start the real practice tomorrow. You should also tell me where your strenghts lie. You know what works best for you."

The boys had not expected that. They were waiting for an extrem long list of songs they could choose from. They had expected someone that would dictate their training. Not to think bad about Ana, but the girl just oozed of confidence and seriousness. They had really thought she would just take the lead and they would have to follow. She had more experience after all.

"You're embarrassing." Yangyang said to the members. He let himself plump on the floor, waiting for Ana and the boys to follow him.

"Just start explaining what you've been doing so far. Really, I'd like to get to know you guys first." Ana also sat on the floor pulling out an old iPad from her bag. She handed it over. "Could you search up the songs you did so far and those you want to try?"

"Ah, yeah." - "Sure!"

Handery and Liang snatched the tablet before anyone else could even move. The two started to typ in songs and search up videos. While also searching through the list of songs that Ana already had on her iPad. They commented most of them, leaving the others to deal with the second hand embarrassment and Ana just chuckled at the funny ones.

They would get along. All the panicking had been for nothing. She just needed to find her place in their dynamics and this would turn out great. She really had worried for nothing.

[hot like wasabi × queen chat

Worried about nothing,
They're sooo cute
Don't tell them though!
Is Tuesday still on schedule or do you have something that interrupts?

hot like wasabi
Tuesday stands, I even got Luhan and Tao to come.
I'm not gonna bail out.
Send me pictures, I need to evaluate the truthfulness of this statement.]

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2020 ⏰

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