girlish pt.1

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"Japanese" = Bold


Ana was twirling in front of the mirror. She stood in the changing room of the Lolita clothing store 'Angelic Pretty'. At the moment wearing a dream of pink with two petticoats. It looked puffy and cute and well pink. Not Ana's lain normally but she was shopping to let out her frustration, which meant a new style for her wardrobe.

She had not really planned to visit a Lolita clothing store. All she had planned was going to Japan and taking Yuta with her. She had dropped the bomb while breakfast this very morning and entered the plane around 11 o'clock. They had been shopping since around 2 pm in the afternoon. Walking in and out Tokyo's most renowned fashion stores, with a new bag for each on their arms.

Yuta who stood outside the changing cabinet, was talking with one of the staff members. Asking if they had any kind of dresses and wigs that he himself could wear. He had promised Ana that if she wore a pink dress to a Lolita Café, he would also wear a Lolita outfit.

To be truthful he had just wanted a reason to act like an absolute princess. He had never had the chance to do so. But with the bags of genderless clothes they had bought and bypassing a Lolita shop. He could not resist the opportunity.

"Yuta? What do you think?" Ana left through the pink curtains, her outfit was perfectly Ana but not Ana. Yuta had to keep himself from taking a picture and sending it to the boys. They would upload all the pictures to Instagram after they were back from Japan.

"How dare you to keep us all away from a cute outfit concept?! You look sooo good and cute in this. I'm dying." Yuta took pictures with his phone, lots of pictures. It was an NCT thing, if there is not a picture it did not happen. "When we go to the Café I'll take my camera with me. This look needs high quality captures."

"Stop overreacting I'm not that cute." Ana's grin told the male that she was actually happy that he liked her outfit. Then her eyes suddenly went wide. "I have a great idea! But before that happens, we'll dress you in cute Lolita fashion."

"Could I try on a Lolita outfit?" Yuta well manneredly asked the staff he had talked with before. The woman happily started to pick out different parts of an outfit for him. Talking in fast Japanese with another staff member, asking them to look for shoes in Yuta's size.

While the staff were looking for a fitting Lolita look for Yuta, Ana had changed back into her mom jeans and a hoodie she had definitely stolen from one of the boys closet. She took all of her bags out of the changing room, as well as the Lolita clothes and accessories she had chosen, going to the register to pay for it. She had winked Yuta while bypassing him, making him laugh. He could not wait for their visit at the Café.

"Ana! Look at me! I'm soo pretty!" Yuta shouted from behind the pink curtain of the changing room. The girl giggled, this was too cute. If she had not turned off her phone, she would be able to film this.

She had to. Ana reminded herself. She needed to work through what happened yesterday without any distraction or overly worried messages and phone calls. She needed a time out and a change of environment. Now no more thinking about that.

Ana put her whole concentration on Yuta, who really looked fabulously pretty. She smiled, she should be feeling as if she had the time of her life. "You look prettier than me. Yuta how dare you?"

When Ana saw the Yuta's phone peaking out under his pile of clothes and she took the chance and grabbed it. She opened the camera app. "Now strike a pose."

Yuta gladly put himself in the best light and tried to model the beige, white outfit. Unused to the skirt he did not strike the most beautiful poses, but it was fun. He then decided that this was exactly what he wanted to look like as a Lolita and went back to change.

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