This is the newest Child

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Englisch = Underline


Lucas peeked through small slit that the door was opened. He did not want to enter the room. Yes, there were Mark, Ten, Yuta and WinWin that he knew well. Yet this girl that just had a shouting match with the manager seemed to be too intimidating to enter.

He had not moved from his spot since he was supposed to enter the room. That was five minutes ago. The longer the two shouted the more nervous Lucas got. He had been fiddling with his rings in an absolute obvious manner that every bypasser would have known about his nervousity.

Lucas just couldn't help it. Queen was scary. He had not really been around her in the training days. All he knew about the female member were facts from the internet and gossip from the trainee's. She was not portrayed as cold, but every one knew the story of the bloody practice room.

It is a pre debut story. A dance that Queen had to perform for an evaluation. They say that she had practically lived in the practice room, dancing her feet bloody because the shoe did not fit. She had a reputation that she would do everything to perfection, even to the extent of endangering her own wellbeing.

Having Queen as a older member in a group was not that scary. But she was having a fucking shouting match in front of Lucas with a Manager and was the reason they had a practice room where still some blood can be found in and on the wooden floor.

Right now Queen was the most scariest thing in existence for Lucas. Not even a PD or manager could reach that level of scariness. That she was radiating at the moment.

Lucas almost fainted when suddenly Mark stood in front of him. The canadian had seen his friend standing there for some time already. When the other did not come in, he just decided to come out of the practice room.

The way the other had paled got Mark worried. So he asked, "Hey? Lucas? You okay?" He did not get an answer.

Lucas just stood there frozen in place. Still focused on the Queen and the manager.

"What did you ask?"

"Are you okay? Also what are you doing here?" Mark tried to speak as calm as possible. Lucas relaxed a bit. He would not go in there alone, Mark was with him and Yuta, Ten and WinWin where in there too. He was safe.

"I guess I am fine and they told me to come here. Something about getting known to the group and debut. But I did not understand everything." Lucas scratched his neck, a bit embarrassed. First of all because he had just been too scared to enter and because he did not really listen when he had the an important meating.

"Daebak." Mark could not hide how happy he was to finally have Lucas in NCT with him. "We got to tell the others."

He pulled Lucas behind him into the practice room. When the others in the room noticed the new boy, it got silent.

Queen stopped mid-sentence, still glaring at the manager. Ready to kill him on spot if he said a wrong thing.

"We'll talk later about this." The manager grumbled, he was almost stomping out of the studio. Ana sticked out her tongue, after he turned his back to her. She did not care about respecting her elders right now. May it come back to bite her in the ass, she was ready for it.a

"Ahm." Mark clread his throat. "This Lucas, most of you know him already. He will also be part of the NCT 2018 legacy."

"Does he have any papers?" Queen asked, it sounded as if she was sceptical.

Lucas shook his head. Damn, why was he such a scaredy-cat? Normally he wasn't that afraid of people.

"No papers?" Ana looked thoughtful. She walked to her bag and pulled out some very ugly folded papers and a black pen. Then she went to the table with the soundsystem. "Who will do the honour?"

"ME!" Ten shouted happily, grabbing Lucas hand. Since when had he stood next to him? And pulled him to Queen.

"Kun? You okay with that?" The Chinese nodded, Ten would hopefully be more responsible if he adopted a kid. Maybe he (Kun) should share custody with Ten, just in case.

Ana nodded when Kun came forward too. She then waved Taeyong and Johnny over.

"We need two witnesses." She explained. The other thirteen had circled around them.

"Ten, do you swear to be responsible for Lucas? That you take care of him as your Child? That you will help and guide him in this cold idol world?"

Ten nodded firmly. "Yes. I swear."

Queen looked at Kun, "Kun, do you swear to be responsible for Lucas? To take care of him when Ten can not perform his duty? To guide him and help him?"

"What question is that? Of course I will. I ain't the dreamies Mom for nothing." Kun said. He was being a diva, yes, but the dreamies loved it. That meant he officially was alright with the title.

"Johnny, Taeyong, do you confirm to have witnessed their vows as parents?"

"We confirm." The two chorused.

"Now please sign her Lucas." Queen handed him a pen. Lucas was still a bit flabbergasted, he just stared blankly at the paper on which 'Adoption Certificate NCT Family' stood. "Hey, are you alright?"


"Boys a bit space, please. Don't scare the baby." Ana glanced at the males behind Lucas, they started to back off.

"Look, you're younger than Kun. Which makes you part of the Maknae-line. This groups is like a family. We want to welcome you by adopting you into the family system. You don't have to sign it Lucas. You'll be part of this family anyways, once you're in you can't get out."

Lucas took a deep breath, before he signed the spot where Queen had tapped on. He wanted to be part of this family and sign the adoption paper. He had just been too nervous. Also he had been a bit shocked by the sudden change of personality Queen seemed to have had.

"Ten, Kun." The two stepped forward to sign the paper, then Taeyong and Johnny did, to finish it off Queen signed too. Her signature was right under Lucas, also making her his parent.

"He's officially the newst Baby in the NCT family."

queen || nct's 22nd memberWhere stories live. Discover now