A ghost in the dorm?

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Italics = Chinese


Ana shook her head as she speeded through the night. Why the hell would Doyoung call her around this time of the evening, only to ask her to bring her supernatural stuff?

Yes, her Mom used to be a Shaman, and yes, she had taught Ana the most necessary stuff about the ghost world and so on, but that didn't mean that Ana was good at it. Nor that she was ready to let everything fall and sprint to help, because a ghost was there.

Adding to this, was the fact that Ana was visiting her Grandma in Daegu. In other words, she had an 1 hour 40 minutes Train ride under her belt. She also had to stress on the 23:00 train because Doyoung promised a night without sleep to her if she didn't.

Ana was pissed when she finally arrived at the apartment complex, in which NCT lived at the moment. Never again, she promised herself as she started to climb the stairs to the drom.

When she finally arrived at the door, she was about to angrily smasch the buttons on the lock to open it up. But Before she even could start, the palest version of Yuta she had ever seen opened the door for her.

"Doyoung is all shivering in the living room brabbeling strange stuff. And Taeil was sleep walking again, hitting his head on the closet wall...", the boy informed her in Japanese which was unusuall for him. Normally he would talk to her in Korean to keep the language fluent.

Ana had to restrain herself from sprinting to Doyoung the moment she saw him. The boy was white as a wall, shivering and acting like a caged animal. She suddenly felt bad for being pissed at him. She knew that he wasn't one to pull pranks with this kind of stuff. She should apologise afterwards.

"Doyoung? Are you with us", the boy nodded his head, hesitantly as if he was seeing something the rest couldn't. Something that was behind Ana's back. She slowly turned her head and almost screamed at the sight of the female ghost. The ghost saw her eyes widen and cackled loudly, which seemed to send chills down everyones spine, even though only two of them actually heard the cackle.

"You have to go", the ghost said, smiling like crazy and showing bloody hands to Ana.

"Willst du mich verarschen?!"*, the girl mumbled grabing her bag of the floor, taking out a small wooden board. Then she put a variety of stones on it and a big piece of glass shaped like a diamond in the middle. She put it in the middle of the room.

The ghost came closer, looking at the board now giggeling. "You can hear me, daughter of a spirited one. Get those boys out, this is a house of women. No men are allowed in here if they aren't married!"

"Really? That's very bitchy of you. They wouldn't dare to hurt a woman", Ana answered, sitting crisscross on the floor. "Can't you let them live here? I mean, they didn't do anything so far, did they?"

["Who is she talking to?", Yuta asked into the round. Doyoung just shudered and shook his head which resulted in Mark drapping himself around the elder like a Koala, as if he could keep it away. Not that he knew he couldn't change anything.]

"They went and destroyed my save space. Why should I let them roam here?!", the ghost screeched and seemed to want to attack Ana. Doyoung let out a muffed squeak. The ghost halted in front of the board, sending angry glares to Ana, realising that she had trapped her on one sid of the room with the board.

["What is she saying? Because I don't understand a single thing", was Johnny's answer, the older stared intensely at the board. It seemed so familiar. He couldn't lay the finger on it, but he knew he had seen it before.]

Ana either ignored the boys whispered conversation or didn't hear them. Her gaze didn't waver away from the ghost. "Can you please stop being overdramatic?"

The ghost crossed her arms and pouted, "You're no fun". She then sat down on the otherside of the board smiling brithgly at Ana and Doyoung. "At least I had fun hunting them, though they aren't that bad-"

"What are you talking about?", Ana moved a stone off the board, she wouldn't need all of the protection she put up.

"Well you're going to send me through the door, aren't you?"

"Oh no! I am not trained for stuff like that. I'm actually not even trained... I just learned some stuff while watching my mum", Ana's face flushed a bit, the ghost really had thought she was experienced enough to get her on the other side of the veil.

"Puh, and I was already shaking... So what are you gonna do then?", the ghost had won some of her confidence, though she still held respect for Ana. Even more now that she knew that Ana had no experience with ghosts.

["I think she is negotiating with a ghost", WinWin answered Yuta's question, Doyoung nodded in agreement though no one but Mark noticed. "She seems to speak a very rare chinese dialect or an older chinese tongue... I can't understand everything." WinWin tilted his head to the left, as if it could help him understanding Ana better.]

"Let's make a deal, I'll try to get the boys out of your home and find a new one for them. But until then you leave them alone", the ghost was tempted to accept the deal, but she was a ghost and a mischievous one at that.

[Mark patted Doyoung on the back, the boy still shivered, though a lot less than before. "It's alright. Whoever she's talking with can't do anything. This is Ana we're talking about."

"That's why I'm worried", Doyoung whispered into the younger's shirt. "That's what makes me worried"]

"No, Darling I've a love for causing mayhem. Do you really think I'll stop?", the ghost leaned her head daringly over the board. Ana just smiled. A ghost that liked mayhem wasn't something unusual.

"Okay, how about I'll move in here to live with them until they move out?". The ghost's face lit up, however, Ana was not finished yet. "You'll leave them alone, but instead of doing mayhem, you can play with my MakeUp stuff." The ghost started cheering and clapping her hands like a little child. Gifting Ana with the sweetest smile that had been seen so far.

"It's a deal! No backing out! My name is Kim Myeongwol. I was a concubine to some rich guy living here... I forgot his name over time. Anyways, his brother killed me when I didn't want to have sex with him. The bloody hands come from there", she shrugged sheepishly. "I then promised to hunt the house, in case others would be victims too... But time flashed by and before I new it, things changed. I got very lonely, no more shaman that visited and all the houses were burned down at some point."

WinWin, who seemed to understand more the more Ana spoke with the ghost, just shook his head. Ana really did go lengths to make sure everyone is happy in the situation they currently found themselves in.

"Well, atleast we'll have our peace", he said after some time, indicating that Ana was finished with her talk.

"Taeil-hyung, WinWin-ah and Doyoung? I need you here for a sec.", Ana waved the three over to here, then starting to fire out chinese sentences. "Okay, so there is a ghost in the dorm if you haven't noticed. Anyways, I'll make Banghyuck-Hyung try to get the tires roll so you all can change the dorms. And until then, I'll move here. Hyung, Doyoung, I'll move in until we get another dorm for you guys. Don't tell the others though."

The three nodded in agreement, though WinWin and Doyoung, would always know a bit more.

"Can I get a hug now?", Doyoung asked, though was he embraced by Ana before he uttered the second word. She muttered apology after apology, still feeling bad for being mad at Doyoung.

"It's alright Ana", the taller one said and just hugged her tighter. The ghost standing on the other side just gave an impish smile. Maybe she would still have to cause mayhem.


* "Are you fucking kidding me"

{The conversation with the ghost doesn't have italics as I saw no need for it. As neither Ana nor the ghost actually notice the change of language.}

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