Cherry Bomb

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"Do I have to fall on my ass too?" Ana giggled as she watched Taeyong's many tries on getting his move down with the right amount of power and balance.

"If you can do it better, be my guest." The dance instructor, Yeonjin, said almost challenging. Knowing exactly that the girl learned dances by watching. She could watch the practice videos a few times and then know what to do with her body. Though she still had to synchronise her movements with the boys'.

"Is that a challenge?" She grinned, standing next to Taeyong who just laughed.

"Obviously, I'm only doing bad so you can eat my dirt now."

"Ohh, you want a competition. You're on Hyung. The loser has to confess his undying love."

"Get ready to propose." Taeyong grinned impishly.

"Well you two get married already then." Yeonjin said.

"Ana how could you cheat on me?! With Taeyong none the less?! Couldn't you choose someone else?" WinWin got a clap on his blackhead from Yuta for that. It made the members laugh.

"Well if she wins she won't cheat on you."

"Taeyong win!" Taeil shouted jokingly.

"Let's start this." Yeonjin said. The song played just from the dance break.

The two dancers did opposite of what they had talked about. Instead of making a competition of who's the better, they started to dance together. Not following the Cherry Bomb choreography at all.

Just a few lines before the 'falling on his ass' move as Ana named it, the two stood back to back. As they leaned backwards into the position and made tiny steps away from the other, they put their head on the others shoulder. When they finally were on the floor they sat up straight, back to back and followed the choreography. Grinning like mad at what they just had done.

After the song was finished Taeyong gave Ana a fist bump. The two laughed at the others faces.

"I think you all lost."

"They definitely did." Ana grinned happily. They then left the practice room with a few of the empty water bottles.



Taeyong turned around to Ana, the girl made a serious face. He hadn't expected the girl to have such a change in mood. He stopped filling up the bottle.

"What is it Ana."

"You should stop."

"What are you even-" Ana glared at him, which made him take a halt mid sentence. "How do you even know."

"I found the pills. You should stop taking them, no matter what you think this isn't worth taking them." Ana was about to put a hand on Taeyongs shoulder, but stopped herself from lifting it. "Taeyong, whatever is bothering you those pills won't solve the problem."

The boy grabbed the bottles he had taken with him to refill. He didn't want to talk with Ana about this situation. It had some embarrassing aspects and he felt just childish for even let it get to him.

He was about to walk back to the practice room, when Ana stated, "You can talk to me when you're ready. You aren't the only one hurting."

She passed the older and practically ran back. Taeyong still stood in the same spot, staring at where she had just ran around the corner.

He felt like shit. Sometimes he hated the fact that Ana could just see through every lie he told. He was glad that she could see him, but it also troubled him a lot. Then for the audience he had to be perfect and he was not.

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