Ice Cream Cake

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underline = English


"Pshh!" Ana put a finger on Johnnys lips to keep the older silent. His response was a pouty face, which made Ana giggle.

After some seconds that felt like minutes, she proudly nodded her head. Pulling her phone and a camera from her pockets.

"We're going to make a sorbet!" She announced proudly to Johnny who just shook his head in disbelief. This girl really was one of a kind.

"What's going on?" A sleepy Jungwoo arrived in the kitchen.

"Why are you awake?"

"The bed was suddenly cold."

"And then you follow me through the hallways to the NCT 127 dorm? Jungwoo, did you even close the door?!"

"I- ahm, I forgot?" He scratched his head.

"It's alright, why don't you lay down on the couch while I get the fluffy blanket and Johnny starts to wash the strawberries?" She gave Jungwoo a kiss on the cheek, before running of to the NCTU dorm. Where the door, to Ana's confusion, was locked.

"Myeongwol? Is someone here?" Ana whispered hoping that she was just overreacting and Jungwoo had closed the door.

"Huh? Ah, no... I just closed the door after Jungwoo went out and forgot to close it."

"You gave me a scare do you know that?!"


"Aish." Ana went inside, grabbing two of her fluffy blankets. While doing so, she already planned on making the vLive for the international fans.

Johnny heard Ana before he saw her entering the kitchen. "Did you wash the strawberries?"


"Thanks, you're the best." She mumbled, giving him a short side hug, two blankets still in her hands. Then she went over to Jungwoo, the boy had already fallen asleep again, so Ana just covered him with the blankets.

"So, I was thinking, why not make a vLive for the International fans?" Ana started when she came back to the kitchen. She started giggling when she saw how Johnny tried to sneakily hide the fact that he was eating the strawberries.

"Schmatz. That actually sounds great. Let's do this." He said smiling, still munching strawberries.

"I hope for you that you didn't eat enough to make me send you to a convince store." Ana said. Putting the Camera on a static, setting everything up for the very much unallowed vLive.

"Nah, I made sure that you got your 500, gramms?"

"Really? I thought you had learned this word by now." Johnny just poked Ana's side. Leaning down a bit next to her, waiting for their faces to appear on the phone screen.

"Hey guys!" They both greeted in Korean, then switching over to English. "Hi Everyone, this is queen and Johnny from NCT 127. And we're making this vLive for the international fans."

"Exactly. While talking to you and eachother, we will spill some tea, or rather Ice Cream." Ana pulled up the recipe, written down neatly by hand, with two ice cream cones drawn next to the title.

Johnny nodded and on cue, started to get the Pot ready. As the camera was slightly at a higher angle, the fans could see the whole kitchen as well as what Johnny and Ana were doing.

Ana smiled into the camera and stage whispered. "If any of you can film this video while streaming it, I'd be glad if you do that and please release it on YouTube in case they pull this video down. Because we're doing this illegally. Love you all."

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