queen x NCT Dream

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(Haechan and Mark are with NCT 127)

(Haechan and Mark are with NCT 127)

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Jaemin × Ana

Smiley boy that loves hugs? Those two get along well. She is his and the other's dreamies substitute mother and in some situations it shows. Life questions, puberty, embarrassing talks and no filter are definitely the key to a good relationship here. Ana knows if there is something wrong with her kids and Jaemin doesn't even know himself how the girl always knows what is going on. Especially after his hiatus as a dreamie the girl made sure to keep the boy healthy and happy.

"Life is too short to regret it, but that doesn't justifies being an asshole, remember that Jaemin."

"I'm not nagging, I am your mother, there's a difference."


Jeno × Ana

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Jeno × Ana

NoJam is not really a nickname that sticks with the boy when Ana is around. Jeno has no humour, or at least not a humour the dreamies think of as funny. Ana, she is another story, she sees the humor in most of his jokes. His jokes just become an insider that the two share in that way. The other boys hate it when these two are rolling on the floor laughing, because they don't understand the joke. Ana is his Personal cheerleader, however opposed to the other boys he isn't embarrassed by it.

"Do you remember Jeno? Just like pink fluffy unicorns."

"Come here, we have to boost you confidence level a bit more."


Renjun × Ana

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Renjun × Ana

Her cute little kid that only talks Chinese with her when he is upset or Kun is around. He says it is to make sure his Korean is on par with hers. Which means work for him, as Ana, opposed to the other Chinese members, is a native Korean speaker. He is one of her kids. Point. No need for anymore questions, she even has fake adoption papers for him and the rest of the dreamies. Though she can be quite embarrassing to be around when Renjun accomplished something. She needs to brag with her kids after all, that's what all mothers do.

"You go Renjun!"

"Kun they have a parents-visit-day, you come with me and cheer on Renjun?"


Chenle × Ana

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Chenle × Ana

Where to start with this dolphin boy? Ana and Chenle have China and a love for plushies in common. The two aren't distant but it also isn't the closest relationship. Chenle prefers Kun as a spokesperson and Ana totally understands that. However that doesn't stop her from suffocating him with love. She has good advice and Chenle is used to her dropping random 'Uncle Iroh' quotes on him, sometimes even before the situation occurs. They also share the tradition of watching Series together in their have bonding time.

"Life happens where ever you are, whether you make it or not. You need two cups of tea and Kun."

"Look, there's this plush tiger. Lets get matching ones!"


Jisung × Ana

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Jisung × Ana

He is her baby and she is his favourite and only Noona. Even though Jisung dislikes skinship, he'll definitely get himself a hug or two from Ana. The two share the passion of dancing and occasionally even Ten will accompany them to the practice room. There isn't a song to hard or to sexy for this duo/trio. Yet that can be especially embarrassing while you're in puberty. But Jisung is also just Ana's little baby that she has to take care of. She spoils him and the dreamies way to much.

"Jisung, a bit more hip movement please, we're trying to be sexy here."

"My little Jisungie. I need a picture of this."


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