1. Begin

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Narrator's POV.

After a long hard day of working at (Y/N)'s barely paying job, she was about to go home. She began packing her belongings and walked out of the small bakery. While walking down the busy streets, she stopped to look at the giant screen. On it was her favorite boy band, BTS' Boy with Luv music video. (Y/N) instantly stopped to watch it but was soon disappointed when it was cut short by a stupid commercial or at least she thought it was. (Y/N)'s face enlightened with delight seeing her favorite humans in the world, BTS, in a recently recorded video. Reading the subtitles on the screen, they were talking about an audition taking place in her town. They were looking for an idol to join their group.

(Y/N) was excited until they mentioned you had to be a guy

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(Y/N) was excited until they mentioned you had to be a guy. That's when it hit her! She would dress like a guy and take the audition. (Y/N) dug into her handbag and pulled out a pen and paper to write down the number which popped up on the screen. After she was done, she scanned the area for a payphone. (Y/N) finally spotted one and quickly ran to it. She slid the coins that she already had in her hands into the phone and dialed in the numbers on the paper. She crossed her fingers hoping they would pick up. When she heard someone speak from the other side, her heart nearly jumped out of her chest.

"Um... Hello. I'm calling because of the audition." she said nervously in the best male voice she could possibly, do hoping the woman on the other side of the phone won't think the call was just a prank.

"Ah yes! You've called the right number!" She then proceeded in giving her the address for the audition. "You can come on Monday. Bye, have a good day!" Then the call ended.

She hurried home excited to tell her siblings about the good news.

At (Y/N)'s house.

"Wait... So you're telling me you're going to dress up as a guy to get in? I don't think this is a good idea. What if you get caught (Y/N)?" Her 19-year-old brother, Joowin, asked.

"It's going to be fine, Joowin! If I do get in with this, it could change yours and Mi-Ran's life! Do you want to live in this house forever with hardly anything to eat? I'm doing it and I've made up my mind. "

Monday came by quickly and (Y/N) was in her brother's room, looking for something to wear. Even though she was 23, she had a small body size and wasn't blessed enough in the chest area so the younger boy's clothes would fit just fine. She also cut her hair in a bowl cut obviously using one of their plastic containers.

"Joowin, I know you're worried but please don't be... Here! This is all the money from my paycheck" She handed him the money and continued, "I know you can spend wisely so I know you'll make the money last until you get more... Please take care of your sister and know I love you both." With that she left for the address she was given. There were a few people who made (Y/N) surprised. When it was getting close to her turn, she mentally panicked and tried to remember the song she was going to sing, the dance she made up, and the acting she created. The girl didn't know what to rap because she never did it but she was hoping that they gave her something to help her at least rap. (Y/N) has never been in front of a camera so she was really afraid she would mess up. What made her even more nervous was the fact that people were staring at her and whispering among themselves.

She walked into the room to be greeted by three people in total. Kim Namjoon, the man who she assumed was the manager and a very cute looking boy.

"H-hello... I'm (L/N) (Y/B/N) (Your boy name.) I'm 23 years old" (Y/N) stuttered.

"Hello (Y/B/N) I am BigHit's manager, Bang PD-nim. Of course, you'll know that he's the leader of BTS, Kim Namjoon and the one on my right is TXT's leader Choi SooBin."

"Pleasure t-to meet y-you." She continued stuttering.

"I see you're nervous, don't worry. Try your best! We're not going to bite you." the dimpled leader of BTS smiled.

(Y/N) nodded and inhaled audibly then proceeded to exhale.

"Alright, (Y/N), you can do this," she said to herself.

After the audition.

"Wow." the manager said.

"Incredible!" Soobin said.

"I knew you had it in ya!!" Namjoon said. (Y/N) was smiling bashfully, hiding her blush.

"T-thanks.." she loudly whispered.

"It was a pleasure having you perform for us. You can leave now. The results will come out on Saturday. See you then. " Soobin smiled. (Y/N) nodded, bowed and walked away. Namjoon's eyes following her on her way out.

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