17. Lost

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Namjoon's POV

I gently knock on the door of BangPD's office and anxiously waited for him to answer. He probably already heard about the commotion back at the dorms.

"Come in."

I took a large gulp before opening the door. The man with a serious face sat behind a large oak desk with his hand folded. It was rare for him to be like this.

"What happened? Why was the ambulance at the dorm? Most importantly, why is Hoseok beaten up?"

"Manager, for what I am about to tell you, I take full responsibility and it is my fault this happened. If I just said no, and told you right away that this would have never happened."

The elder man raised his eyebrow and impatiently tapped his fingers against the surface of the table.

"(Y/B/N) is actually a girl and she ended up in the hospital because Hoseok did something to her.." I said looking down at my feet.

"What? Namjoon, you know there are rules for a reason! Explain. Now."

I told the man everything that happened and why I didn't tell him (Y/B/N) was female.

"Where is Hoseok now?"

"He's back home with the others.."

"You may leave, I'll deal with you later. Right now, there is more commotion on the Internet." I nodded and left then I quickly dialed Jin's number eager to hear what was (Y/N)'s conditions.


"How is she?"


Narrator's POV
Meanwhile at the Dorm

The woman wandered around trying to get answers from at least one of the members on what was going on but failed. She pulled out the little notepad she always carried around and began adding notes to it. She opened the door of Hobi's room and snapped a few pictures of the sleeping boy's bruised form then quietly left the room. All the other boys were in the living room so it was the perfect opportunity to do her actual job. She went to each of their room and tried to find anything suspicious. Ji-ah got into Taehyung and Jimin's room and just stole some of Tae's stuff and left. When she got to Jungkook's room, she got in and gently closed the door behind her and began going through his stuff hoping to find anything suspicious. She opened a drawer and dug into it and snapped a couple of pictures. She went to the bed's side and raised the pillow and a huge smirk grew on her face. She pointed her phone camera at the picture frame and took a picture of it then put everything back how it was and left the room.


After about an hour or two, Jin came home along with Namjoon and (Y/N). All the boys that were still in the living room rushed to them.

"How are you (Y/N)? Do you feel okay? What did the doctor say?" They bombarded the poor girl with questions.

"Sorry, I'm a little tired and I've got a headache. I'll talk to you guys later, bye." She smiled at them weakly and went to her room. The 4 members turned their heads to Namjoon and Jin waiting for them to explain the situation they were in right now.

"Before I say anything, can someone bring Hoseok in here? By the way, where is Ji-ah?" RM asked.

Jimin volunteered to go for Hobi and Taehyung explained that the woman went out for personal reasons according to her. Hoseok walked into the room with his hair sticking all over the place and puffy eyes and a swollen face.

"I honestly don't know what to say to you, Hoseok. You've never done anything like this before. What made you do this?!" The leader said.

"I-I don't know what took over me, First I hurt Jimin and then this..."

"I'm sure she was saying stop, why didn't you?" Yoongi asked.

"I don't know, at that point in time anger just took over me, I couldn't control myself!"

"Don't you know that this can ruin you?! What if words of this gets out in public? What are all the fans- no, everyone, what are they going to think of you, Hoseok? Not only that, (Y/N) is injured and now can't do things she could have done! It is possible that you traumatized her! Because why? You were jealous because Yoongi gave her some attention? Did you think we didn't notice?!" Jin snapped.

"Jin-hyung.. I-I'm sorry.."

"I'm definitely not the person you should be apologizing to." Seokjin left the room.

There was a moment of silence before the doorbell rang. Namjoon opened the door to be greeted by their manager, Sejin.  The man walked into the apartment and sat down.

"I heard about what happened. Can you call (Y/B/N)? We need her here."

After a few minutes, (Y/N) came and joined the others.

"What is your real name?" The man simply asked.

"(L/N) (Y/N)"

"You know the K-pop industry has a serious rule of not liking a mixed group right?"

"Yes I do, but I really needed the money and BigHit was the only company that was taking in new people at the point in time."

"PD-nim hasn't described on a punishment for you, Namjoon or Hoseok, so I guess you're safe for now." The manager looked at Hoseok and sighed, "I'm very disappointed in you, I would of never believe you'd do something like this."

"Manager, what are we going to do for now?" Jimin asked.

"For now you are on a short break, as for (Y/N), I don't know if she'll have to go or stay. I have to go now."


Jungkook's POV

I looked at the time on my phone, it was 11:50 pm. I couldn't sleep at all, I was too deep in thought. Everything right now was such a mess. What if (Y/N) had to leave? What if Hoseok-hyung got fired. What kind of punishment would Namjoon-hyung get for keeping (Y/N)'s secret? Jin-hyung is acting really mean and the others seemed so distant from one another. I turned on my side so I was facing (Y/N)'s bed, she was fast asleep. I could hear her light breathing and soft snorts. It was actually calming, making me focus on that instead of the stress worthy thoughts in my head and I soon fell asleep.

(A/n: I really do feel bad for making Hobi the bad guy right now, so to make up to him, I've created a special just for him to lighten up the mood! -Smutty

I'm sorry that you have to read the next chapter. -smebby)

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